
2017-08-13 作者: 36阅读

  A warmhearted video recently went viral. It was shared by users, receiving more than 75 million hits on Weibo. Countless users were moved by the kindness of ordinary people.


  Guangdong Television’s reality show program “What would you do” is a test of good, and that test came to the city of Chengdu in southwest China’s Sichuan province recently. An actor played a lost elderly man and people’s reactions were captured.


  In the video, a fast-food shop and a roadside stall smile generously after the elderly man lt without paying. Strangers help the elderly man carry his food basket. The owner of a hotel carries his steaming hot food. Two girls from an open-air food stall help the elderly man sit down and then help him order bread. A mother who picks up her child from school lets her child hold the elderly man’s hand. A few young people change their plans to help the elderly man home. On whether the future world will be okay, these ordinary people answer this question in the affirmative. These kind people allow us to see that good has been here all long, it never lt.


  This is a program of rlection. Do we believe that morality has depreciated and that good deeds have gone bankrupt, thus giving us reason to turn our backs? Have we lost faith in human nature because of indifference and sullenness, thus becoming resentful and overly densive? Have we become silent observers rather than active participants in society because of constant hesitation and delay? Perhaps we really do need to have a little more confidence in ourselves, in others, and in our society. We really should learn from the enthusiastic people on the streets of Chengdu, and not forget about what is good because of what is ugly.


  Kindness and good deeds by ordinary people is society’s most precious resource. We cannot help but see that society still has a lot of good in it and a lot of beauty that cannot be ignored or forgotten. Because of this, there is a growing upward force that is quietly growing.



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