
2017-08-13 作者: 147阅读


  Studies suggest that teenagers often sacrifice their sleep time when it comes to making choices about time management. The problem is, studies also show that they need a lot more sleep than they probably get. More and more studies are showing that there is a direct link between sleep and academic success.


  According to a study , teens should receive more than nine hours of sleep every night. That's a great thought, but is it possible? Think about it--do you ever sleep that long?Maybe on the weekends. But very few teens receive sufficient sleep on school nights.


  Dr. Carskadon's study suggests biology might be the cause for sleep deprivation among teens. Their internal time clocks are just a little different during teenage years--and late nights and sleep-ins are a natural part of growing into adulthood.


  Lack of sleep makes it more difficult for students to concentrate in school, especially during those early-morning classes.A more recent study shows that sacrificing sleep to study actually does more harm than good. The sleep that you miss when you stay up late to study will cause "academic problems" the following day. It's just not worth sacrificing sleep to study!


  Studies About Sleep and Memory 睡眠和记忆力的研究

  Our ability to remember is related to our ability to learn, and there have been many studies about sleep and its fects on memory, learning, and retention. These studies suggest that good sleep habits are essential to good study habits.


  One study about learning languages shows that it is good to study right bore going to sleep because sleep helps students store memories to be retained and remembered the next day.Another study shows that sleep strengthens memories so they become clear and resistant to interferences and distractions.


  Avoiding Sleep Deprivation 避免睡眠不足

  So what can you do if you know you aren't getting enough sleep?


  Turn off the TV at night. Some teens fall asleep with the TV on, and some are so used to the noise they think they can't sleep without it. Not true! The TV noises and flashing lights will only keep you from getting a sound sleep. If you can remember anything you hear during your sleep, it's a sure sign you're not sleeping well.


  Try switching to caffeine-free drinks. Reduce caffeine by switching to something healthier, like bottled water. If that's too much to ask, at least try a caffeine-free version of your favorite drink!


  Don't think too hard right bore bed time. If you have calculus homework, you might not want to put it off until night. It's harder to relax and get to sleep when your mind is stuck in the deep-thinking mode. It takes awhile to unwind, so maybe you should tackle the hardest subject earlier.


  Same for crazy video games. Video games may also cause your brain to enter the overdrive zone. If you play video games, don't do them just bore you go to bed.


  Turn off the cell phone. What's so important it can’t wait until morning? Unless you have a really good reason (like a working parent who may need to reach you), turn it off and get some rest.


  Start keeping track of things you do routinely and the amount of time needed to do certain tasks. Then plan ahead so you can get to bed on time.


  Play music if you want, but not too loud. Many people play music at night. If it doesn't bother you, go ahead. Don’t play it too loud, though, or it will disrupt your sleep.



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