
2017-08-13 作者: 187阅读


  While a falling leaf is indicative of the approaching autumn and a wild flower can be the epitome of heaven, a photographer from Michigan has transformed a humble tea kettle into a vessel rlecting the beauty she encounters on her journey through life.


  Instead of resorting to phones or selfie sticks, Esha Biswas has chosen to record the most memorable moments in her life - including her graduation ceremony - by taking selfies rlected on the shiny surface of a metal kettle.


  "I was fascinated by the way the kettle stretched and transformed the world around me; it seemed to contain a whole little world inside of it, with my figure always at the center of the globe," Biswas told My Modern Met, a US-based photography website.

  比斯瓦斯告诉美国知名摄影网站My Modern Met::“茶壶镜面将周遭世界的影像拉伸、变形,我对此深感着迷;仿佛它里面还包藏着一个小小的世界,而我总处在中心位置。”。

  The unconventional photographer has taken over 30 selfies over four years in an attempt to record the world around her in the polychrome globe. And she's not finished yet – “The Tea Kettle Adventures” is an ongoing project.


  From her dorm in the University of Michigan to the exotic boulevards of Paris in France, the kettle that always accompanies her provides a kaleidoscope lens displaying her thrilling life experiences.


  Rlecting miscellaneous scenes featuring flaming red leaves, snow-bound paths, flourishing flowers and a sparkling Christmas tree, the kettle has become much more than a household appliance, instead acting as a multi-dimensional blotter engraved with numerous slices of daily life.


  Through the photos, Biswas hopes to "urge people to look more closely at the world around them - even if it means looking at a pot of tea."


  She added that even familiar places like bedrooms and backyards can become perfect spots for photography as long as we endeavor to discover frivolous beauty in our sometimes prosaic lives.



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