温州某中学发800万奖学金 读书致富不是笑话!.

2017-08-13 作者: 286阅读

  A high school in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province has confirmed that it earmarked 8 million RMB to award high-scoring students who enroll, encouraging more accomplished students to transfer to the school.


  Some 2.8 million RMB was handed out in cash to students and parents at Shuren High School in Wenzhou on Nov. 20. The cash rewards were as high as 100,000 RMB, according to posts on Sina Weibo. Photos of the meeting show piles of 100-RMB bills, stacked on desks in front of the attendees.


  The high school confirmed the story, explaining that the cash rewards were made available to students who enrolled at the school in 2016. Those students ranking in the top 1,300 on the county’s high school entrance examination were entitled to 100,000 RMB, while a minimum of 20,000 RMB went to those in the top 3,300, according to Wenzhou Evening Post. A total of 239 students received rewards, which altogether totaled 7.87 million RMB.


  Founded in 1995, Shuren High School is a private institution. The school regularly issues financial incentives to attract better students, who then in turn help the school’s reputation and ranking, Wenzhou Evening Post reported.



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