2017-08-13 159阅读
申请美国留学的中小学生都知道TOEFL Junior是什么,TOEFL Junior考试是专门测试语言能力的一项申请考试。是除了SSAT外,还需要参加的测试。下面就随澳际小编一起看一下美国TOEFL Junior考试的语法训练题,希望对您有所帮助。
TOEFL Junior是什么?既然它是语言能力考试,必定离不开语法的考核。下面是美国TOEFL Junior考试练习题,希望同学们可以用来做练习。
In this section of the test,you will answer 30 questions found in five different texts. Within each text are boxes that contain four possible ways to complete a sentence. Choose the word or words in each box that correctly complete each sentence.Mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
Here are two sample questions:
1.The idea that rocks last forever and that rocks 【】change (A)very (B)ever (C)quite (D)never
is not completely true.lf you have ever stood next to a rushing river,you【】
the water hammering away at the rocks .
(A)saw (B)seen (C)are seeing (D)may have seen
The correct answer to sample l is (D)”never”.The correct answer to sample 2 is (D)“may have seen”.
Questions 1-4 rer to the following e-mail.
Dear Random House Books
I would like to join your young adult book club. But I was told by the book club
1.moderator that my membership request was too late for me【】 this year. (A)to join (B)joining (C)joined (D)will join
2.I was wondering if 【】that an exception could be made in my case.
(A)any way (B)any way there (C)is any way (D)there is any way
3.I【】the three books that the club has already discussed,and l am now (A)reading (B)will read (C)have read (D)am reading
4.reading the next one .Could you please let me【】 about this as soon (A)known (B)knowing (C)to know (D)know
as possible?
Sincerely, Becky Holmes
Questions 5-8 rer to the following announcement
To All Students Who Bought Winter Semester Bus Passes :
If you bought a city bus pass for this winter semester bore September 1,
5.please contact the city bus division .After September 1 ,【】the cost
(A) lowered(B)the city lowering (C)the city lowered (D)lowered the city
6.of student bus passes from $95to$80.Students 【】$95 for their bus (A)were paying (B)paid (C)which paid (d)who paid
passes will get a $15 rund.However,these students must contact the city bus division
7.within the next two weeks. 【】The number is 444-0343, (A)to get their runds (B)their runds will be gotten (C)and to get their runds (D)when getting their runds
8.and the office【】 are 9:00—5:00,Monday through Friday. (A)time (B)hours (C)life (D)services
Questions 9—14 rer to the following part of a short story .
Gilbert walked over to Jill Roadhouse and said,“Would you like to dance?”
9.She looked at him like he was speaking Russian, so he repeated 【】question. (A)some (B)other (C)a (D)the
10 【】she spoke :”Uh…yeah,l guess so ,”said Jill.
(A)Finally (B)lately (C)Evenly (D)Early
When the music began to blast from the speakers,Gilbert was ready with the dance
11.moves that his sister 【】him .He kicked his right leg, clapped (A)teaching (B)taught (C)had taught (D)was teaching
12.his hands,and did a tight spin on the spot.To his great delight,Jill looked 【】 (A)impressed (B)impressing (C)impression (D )impress
and,following his lead,did the exact same dance step.She was smiling,and Gilbert
13.thought she must be having fun.【】 filled him with confidence.
(A)By thinking (B)It was the thought (C)The thought (D)Thinking
14.He spun around,but 【】he did,he stumbled and fell . (A)since (B)as (C)if (D)until
Questions 15—22 rer to the following biography
15.Many critics agree that America has yet to produce another musical genius 【】 (A)alike (B)even (C)opposite (D)equal
16.to Leonard Bernstein(1918-1990).Bernstein learned 【】 (A)how music to compose (B)to compose music how (C)how to compose music (D)to compose how music
17.at Harvard University. In 1943,he【】 the assistant conductor of (A)making (B)was made (C)has made (D)has been made
the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. Bernstein quickly became known for his technical
18.excellence and his creative and interesting 【】of classical music . (A)interpretations (B)interpreters (C)interpret (D)interpretative
During this time,he also composed the music for a number of Broadway shows,
19.but 【】show was West Side Story .
(A)as popular (B )more popular (C)most popular (D)the most popular
20.ln 1958,Bernstein was 【】permanent conductor for the New York (A)compared (B)found (C)appealed (D)appointed
Philharmonic Orchestra. Bernstein sometimes played the dual role of conductor and
21.piano soloist,which 【】for him to conduct from the piano . (A)it made it necessary (B)made it necessary (C)making it necessary was (D)it made necessary
22.During his career with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra,【】 in 1969 (A)which ended (B)who ended (C)that ended (D)ended it
Bernstein made numerous recordings and undertook several international tours.
Questions 23-30rer to the following article
23.An apprenticeship is 【】in which an apprentice learns a craft (A)trains for a period (B)a training period (C)a training is periodical (D)training periodically
24.or art from a master craftsman.【】 was a common activity (A)An apprentice was been (B)By being an apprentice (C)An apprentice
(D)Being an apprentice
For young men during the Middle ages .A master craftsman usually operated a shop
25.【】several apprentices worked as his assistants.In most cases , (A)what (B)When (C)where (D)which
26.【】for seven years,often sleeping and eating in the shop. (A)apprentices worked (B)worked as apprentices (C)working as apprentices (D)work of apprentices
27.The【】between master craftsmen and apprentices was very strong, (A)stock(B)bond (C)band (D)glue
like father and son. When the apprentice finished his apprenticeship ,he sometimes
28.worked for 【】craftsman as a paid journeyman .Eventually, the journeyman (A)another (B)other (C)the (D)every
would open his own shop as a master craftsman and have apprentices of his own.
29.【】the rise of factories and mass production during the Industrial (A)Consequently (M)Moreover (C)Therore (D)However
30.Revolution opened the way for unskilled laborers .This【】 in a decline (A)to result (B)resulting (C)resulted (D)was resulted
in the need for apprenticeships.
TOEFL Junior考试练习题就为大家介绍到这,详细您看过本篇文章后对于TOEFL Junior是什么也有了一定的了解。希望对您有所帮助。若想了解更多美国TOEFL Junior考试的相关信息,欢迎咨询澳际留学专家。
澳际培训在国内首家推出专职“学习规划师”和“留学规划师”制度,对学生全程规划、全程跟踪,全程反馈。我们汇聚了国内外顶级名师,平均教学经验在5年以上,并实行八对一尊享服务——课程规划师,留学规划师,阅读教师,写作教师,听力教师,口语教师,语法教师,词汇教师等八位一体。完善的留学服务保证,整合了十年留学服务经验,让我们能将一流培训和申请服务全程有机结合。澳际50%学子都获得TOEFL 100和SAT 2000以上的分数。
1. 免费测评模考,分析申请人的问题,制作考试测评报告和备考指导
2. 结合申请人的申请目标和考试基础,制定考试整体规划及时间安排
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5. 免费修改作文4篇
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