Workforce Development Leaders to Present at ACT WorkKeys National Conference.

2017-08-13 作者: 175阅读

IOWA CITY, Iowa—Three national leaders representing business and education will give keynote addresses at the 12th annual WorkKeys National Conference to be held May 12–15 at the Hyatt Regency on the Riverwalk in San Antonio.

This year&apos&aposs keynote presenters are:

  Emily Stover DeRocco, president, The Manufacturing Institute, and senior vice president of the National Association of Manufacturers.

  Keith Bird, chancellor, Kentucky Community and Technical College System.

  Pam Tate, president and chi executive officer of CAEL, the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning.

The annual WorkKeys National Conference attracts professionals in human resources, staff selection, employee development, secondary and post-secondary education, government and related fields to discuss how ACT&apos&aposs WorkKeys system and The National Career Readiness Certificate are used in hiring and training practices, lowering employee turnover, improving productivity and preparing individuals for the workforce.

"Participants at the WorkKeys National Conference have the opportunity to hear from national thought leaders in business, education, workforce and economic development," said Martin Scaglione, president and chi operating officer of ACT&apos&aposs Workforce Development Division. "We will discuss critical workforce issues and get ideas the participants can put into action. ACT is proud to present these keynote speakers as well as a full menu of other outstanding sessions planned for this year&apos&aposs conference."

The theme of this year&apos&aposs conference is The Heart of a Skilled Workforce. "The workplace is changing, and now more than ever we need a strong, skilled American workforce. Connecting employers with skilled employees has never been as important as it is in today&apos&aposs economic environment," stated Scaglione.

For decades, ACT&apos&aposs WorkKeys job skill assessment system has been used by thousands of businesses and educational institutions worldwide. The WorkKeys system is the cornerstone of The National Career Readiness Certificate, a skills credentialing system for jobseekers and workers alike.


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