
2017-08-13 作者: 502阅读

�  Act考试对于很多想要去美国留学的同学是十分重要的,act北京考点也是众多考生所关注的,下面小编为大家整理了中国区act考点一览表,希望想要去美国留学的同学能够有帮助。

  ACT Assessment Test Dates for China

  Students must register directly with the supervisor of the test center where they wish to test, not with ACT. The deadline date for contacting the test center is the Friday five weeks bore the scheduled test date. There is no standby testing provision.

  Beijing University

  #704 Building 6 Lanqiying

  Beijing, 100871


  For information on registering at this test center contact:

  Zengjun Zhou, Associate Professor Of Physics

  Phone: 86-10-6275-8019

  Fax: 86-10-6275-1496

  Sat 28-OCT-06

  Sat 09-DEC-06

  Sat 09-JUN-07

  School Affiliated To The Renmin Univ

  B-811, Focus Place, Financial Street

  Beijing, 10080


  For information on registering at this test center contact:

  Wang Di, Administrator

  Phone: 8610 6657 4022 4028

  Fax: 86 10 6894 9131

  Sat 28-OCT-06

  Sat 14-APR-07

  Sat 09-JUN-07

  Kunming International Academy

  Jan Jia Di Xiao Qu

  Kunming Yunnan, 650031


  For information on registering at this test center contact:

  Michelle Laporte, Guidance Counselor

  Phone: 86 871 4126887

  Fax: 86 871 4126829

  Sat 28-OCT-06

  Sat 10-FEB-07

  Sat 14-APR-07

  Nanjing Foreign Language School

  30 East Beijing Road

  Nanjing, 210008


  For information on registering at this test center contact:

  Dong Zhengjing, Principal

  Phone: 86 25 8328 2301

  Fax: 86 25 8328 2308

  Sat 28-OCT-06

  Shenyang International School

  No 12 Xiang Bai Street

  Shenyang, 110015


  For information on registering at this test center contact:

  Paul Cablish, Guidance Counselor

  Phone: 86-24-2420-6058

  Fax: 86-24-2420-7871

  Sat 28-OCT-06

  Sat 14-APR-07

  International School Of Tianjin

  Wei Shan Rd, Shaung Gang

  Tianjin, 300350


  For information on registering at this test center contact:

  Marilyn Wilson, School Counselor

  Phone: 86-22-2859-2001 X8079

  Fax: 86-22-2859-2007

  Sat 28-OCT-06

  Sat 09-DEC-06

  Sat 09-JUN-07

  Tianjin International School

  #1 Meiyuan Rd,Huayuan Indus Area

  Tianjin, 300384


  For information on registering at this test center contact:

  Bill Gandy, Guidance Counselor

  Phone: 86-22-8371-0900 X305

  Fax: 86-22-8371-0400

  Sat 28-OCT-06

  Sat 09-DEC-06

  Sat 14-APR-07

  South Lake International School

  San Jiao Hu Xiao Xue

  Wuhan, 430071


  For information on registering at this test center contact:

  Douglas Tader

  Phone: 86 27 8423 8713

  Fax: 86 27 8423 8726

  Sat 28-OCT-06

  Sat 14-APR-07

  Xiamen International School

  Jiu Tian Hu

  Xing-Lin, Xiamen, 361022


  For information on registering at this test center contact:

  Norma Dewald, Guidance Counselor

  Phone: 86592/6256581

  Fax: 86592/6256584



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