
2017-08-12 作者: 282阅读

���� plus or minus � ;˙��� times or mutiply ���� divide - ; /��� divide, such as a/b =��� equals, is equal to ≠��� does not equal, is not equal to <��� is less than >��� is greater than ≦��� is less than or equal to ≧��� is greater than or equal to <>��� is not equal to; is less than or greater than :��� is to, as in proportions, a : b as c : d - - -��� between numerais or letters, shows omission of some numerals or letters at the end of a series or esquence shows "and so no" �√��� positive square root n的次方根��� nth root !��� factorial 指数��� exponent, use a as a factor b times ab��� subscript, for descriptive discrimination %��� percent |� |��� absolute value ~��� similar, is similar to ㄥ��� angle, as in ㄥA or ㄥABC mㄥ��� measure of angle 直角��� right angle; is perpendicular to ⊙��� circle 弧形��� arc △��� triangle 正三角��� equilateral triangle 等腰三角��� isosceles triangle 直角三角��� right triangle □��� square 四边形��� quadrilateral 平行四边形��� parallelogram 梯形��� trapezoid ( x , y )��� coordinates of a point in a plane ( x , y , z )��� coordinates of a point in space ∴��� therore $��� dollar sign ¢��� cent sign ( )��� parentheses, shows order of operations [ ]��� brackets, shows order of operations { }��� braces, shows order of operations; also shows members of a set, when empty shows empty set 圆周��� Circumference 面积��� area 直径��� diameter 半径��� radius 周边;周长��� perimeter 次方��� power 根(数)��� root 长��� length 宽��� width 高��� height 基数;底边��� base


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