
2017-08-12 作者: 125阅读

dissension��� n. 意见不合,纠纷,倾轧 DISAGREEMENT;� especially :partisan and contentious quarreling concord←→dissension dissent������ vi. 持异议,不同意 to withhold assent dissenter:orthodox=maverick:group dissertation� n. 论文 an extended usually written treatment of a subject;� specifically :one submitted for a doctorate dissipate���� vt. 散失,驱散,浪费 (dissipation) husbandry:dissipate=alacrity:procrastinate accumulation←→dissipation dissipate←→accumulate dissipate←→gather amass←→dissipate dissociate��� 分离,游离,分裂 to separate from association or union with another affiliation←→dissociation dissolute���� adj.放荡的,无节制的 lacking restraint;� especially :marked by indulgence in things libertine:dissolute=sycophant:obsequious ludicrous:buffoon=dissolute:libertine=humorous:wag voluble:speech=licentious:dissoluteness dissolve����� 溶解,解散 to cause to pass into solution clot:dissolved=crowd:dispersed coagulant:thicken=solvent:dissolve dissonance��� n.不和谐(的音调) lack of agreement;� especially :inconsistency between the belis one holds or between one&aposs actions and one&aposs belis dissonance←→concord dissuade����� vt. 劝阻 to advise (a person) against something remonstrance:dissuade=reprehensible:censure remonstrator:dissuade=applicant:appeal dissuade←→abet 副标题#e# distention��� n.� 膨胀 the act of distending or the state of being distended especially unduly or abnormally distention←→compression distillation� n. 蒸馏 the process of purifying a liquid by successive evaporation and condensation synopsis:conciseness=distillate:purity distill:purity=leaven:volume distinction�� n. 区别 the quality or state of being distinguishable nuance:distinction=hint:suggestion nebulous←→distinct repute←→lack of distinction distinguished a. 卓著的,著名的 marked by eminence, distinction, or excellence������ eminent←→undistinguished distort������ vt. 扭曲,歪曲 to twist out of the true meaning or proportion�� brevity:aphorism=distortion:caricature distract����� vt. 转移,分心,使发狂 to draw or direct (as one&aposs attention) to a different object or in different directions at the same time intrepid:deter=rapt:distract rapt←→distracted distraught��� adj. 心神狂乱的 agitated with doubt or mental conflict troubled:distraught=covetous:rapacious distraught←→composed ditch�� n. 沟 a long narrow excavation dug in the earth ditch:canyon=burrow:cavern ditty�� n. 小调,小曲 an especially simple and unaffected song fable:tale=ditty:song


dissension��� n. 意见不合,纠纷,倾轧 DISAGREEMENT;� especially :partisan and contentious quarreling concord←→dissension dissent������ vi. 持异议,不同意 to withhold assent dissenter:orthodox=maverick:group dissertation� n. 论文 an extended usually written treatment of a subject;� specifically :one submitted for a doctorate dissipate���� vt. 散失,驱散,浪费 (dissipation) husbandry:dissipate=alacrity:procrastinate accumulation←→dissipation dissipate←→accumulate dissipate←→gather amass←→dissipate dissociate��� 分离,游离,分裂 to separate from association or union with another affiliation←→dissociation dissolute���� adj.放荡的,无节制的 lacking restraint;� especially :marked by indulgence in things libertine:dissolute=sycophant:obsequious ludicrous:buffoon=dissolute:libertine=humorous:wag voluble:speech=licentious:dissoluteness dissolve����� 溶解,解散 to cause to pass into solution clot:dissolved=crowd:dispersed coagulant:thicken=solvent:dissolve dissonance��� n.不和谐(的音调) lack of agreement;� especially :inconsistency between the belis one holds or between one&aposs actions and one&aposs belis dissonance←→concord dissuade����� vt. 劝阻 to advise (a person) against something remonstrance:dissuade=reprehensible:censure remonstrator:dissuade=applicant:appeal dissuade←→abet 上12下




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