
2017-08-12 作者: 314阅读

1. For the Thanksgiving reunion, relatives were sitting in the dining room, on the porch, and in the carport. A. Thanksgiving, reunion B. Were, sitting C. Porch and D. No error 2. Lydia seems to be a kind, considerate girl. A. Seems, to B. Considerate, girl C. Kind considerate D. No error 3. This fishing pole Nathan, has seen better days. A. Pole, Nathan, B. Has, seen C. Nathan, D. No error 4. My cousin has moved to 56 Central Street Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882. A. Has moved, B. Central Street, C. 56, Central D. No error 5. The badger, a shy animal sometimes makes friends with a coyote. A. Sometimes, makes B. Friends, with C. A shy animal, D. No error 6. After the death of Blackbeard, the famous pirate, piracy disappeared from the coast of the American colonies. A. The famous pirate B. After the death, C. Coast, of D. No error 7. “Silent Night” was written by two men from the village of Oberndorf Austria. A. men, from B. Silent Night, C. Oberndorf, Austria D. No error 8. On November 19, 1929 Admiral Richard E. Byrd flew the Floyd Bennett to the base of the Queen Maud Mountains. A. Base, of B. The, Queen C. 1929, D. no error 9. Oh I forgot to bring the cookies. A. Oh, B. I, forgot C. To, bring D. No error 10. “The boy in the kayak,” whispered Sue “is the new football captain." A. Boy, in the B. New, football C. Whispered Sue, D. No error 正确答案:D� D� A� B C� D� C� C A C


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