
2017-08-12 作者: 246阅读


  21 A certain machine can make 3 widgets every 2 seconds. At this rate, how many widgets will be made in 1 minute?

  A. 90 B. 110 C. 150 D. 180 E. 220

  22 What is the average of the first 50 positive integers?

  A. 25 B. 25.5 C. 26 D. 26.5 E. 27

  23 If ab is negative, which of the following CANNOT be negative?

  A. b-a B. a-b C. a2b D. ab2 E. a2b2

  24 In a certain set of numbers, the ratio of integers to nonintegers is 1:4. What percent of the numbers in the set are integers?

  A. 20% B. 25% C. 40% D. 75% E. 80%

  25 What is the smallest positive number that leaves a remainder of 2 when the number is divided by 3, 4, or 5?

  A. 42 B. 82 C. 22 D. 62 E. 122

  26 Which is greater?

  Column A Column B

  3-5+6-8-4+7 -2

  A. the quantity in Column B is greater

  B. the relationship cannot be determined from the information given

  C. the quantity in Column A is greater

  D. the two quantities are equal

  27 If a die is tossed twice the probability of getting a 3 on both tosses is:

  A. 1/4 B. 1/36

  C. 1/12 D. 1/6 E. 1/25

  28 An instrument store gives a 10% discount to all students off the original cost

  of an instrument. During a back to school sale an additional 15% is taken off

  the discounted price. Julie, a student at the local high school, purchases a

  flute for $306. How much did it originally cost?

  A. $325 B. $375

  C. $400 D. $408 E. $425

  29 If y(x-1)=z then x=

  A. y-z B. z/y + 1

  C. y(z-1) D. z(y-1) E. 1-zy

  30 Which of the following values is NOT equal to 34(58+9)?

  A. 34 x 67

  B. 58(34+9)

  C. 34 x 58 + 34 x 9

  D. 1,972 + 306

  E. (9 + 58) 34



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