
2017-08-12 作者: 171阅读



  The primary purpose of the passage is to

  A. trace the development of a particular behavioral characteristic of the sloth bear

  B. explore possible explanations for a particular behavioral characteristic of the sloth bear

  C. compare the densive strategies of sloth bear cubs to the densive strategies of cubs of other bear species

  D. describe how certain behavioral characteristics of the sloth bear differ from those of other myrmecophagous mammals

  E. provide an alternative to a generally accepted explanation of a particular behavioral characteristic of myrmecophagous mammals

  one explanation is that cub-carrying is necessitated by myrmecophagy, An alternative explanation is dense from predation.



  The author mentions rhinoceroses and elephants (lines 52-53) primarily in order to

  A. explain why sloth bears are not successful foragers in grassland habitats

  B. identify the predators that have had the most influence on the behavior of sloth bears

  C. suggest a possible reason that sloth bear cubs do not use tree-climbing as a dense

  and are often confronted and chased by rhinoceroses and elephants, which can topple trees. Collectively these factors probably selected against tree-climbing as a densive strategy for sloth bear cubs.

  D. provide examples of predators that were once widespread across the Indian subcontinent

  E. dend the assertion that sloth bears are under greater threat from dangerous animals than are other bear species



  Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the author’s argument in lines 18-26 (“Furthermore … sloth bear cubs”)?

  A. Cub-carrying behavior has been observed in many non-myrmecophagous mammals.

  B. Many of the largest myrmecophagous mammals do not typically exhibit cub-carrying behavior.

  C. Some sloth bears have home ranges that are smaller in size than the average home ranges of black bears.

  D. The locomotion of black bears is significantly more ficient than the locomotion of sloth bears.

  Furthermore, the daily movements of sloth bears and American black bears—which are similar in size to sloth bears and have similar-sized home ranges—reveal similar travel rates and distances, suggesting that if black bear cubs are able to keep up with their mother, so too should sloth bear cubs.

  E. The habitat of black bears consists of terrain that is significantly more varied than that of the habitat of sloth bears.



  Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as a way in which brown bears and sloth bears are similar?

  A. They tend to become aggressive when provoked.

  B. They live almost exclusively in treeless environments.

  C. They are preyed upon by animals that can climb or topple trees.

  D. They are inficient in their locomotion.

  E. They have relatively large canine teeth.

  Like brown bears and polar bears (and unlike other myrmecophagous mammals, which are noted for their passivity), sloth bears are easily provoked to aggression.

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