
2017-08-12 作者: 253阅读



  According to the passage, Frazier and Mosteller believe which of the following about medical research?

  A. It is seriously flawed as presently conducted because researchers overlook facts that are relevant to the subject of their research.

  B. It tends to benit certain subgroups of patients disproportionately.

  C. It routinely reveals new variables in research on entirely new treatments.

  D. It can be made more accurate by limiting the amount of information researchers collect.

  E. It cannot be freed of the risk that significant variables may be overlooked.

  Although limiting information collection could increase the risk that researchers will overlook facts relevant to a study, Frazier and Mosteller contend that such risk, never entirely eliminable from research, would still be small in most studies.



  The author mentions patients’ ages(line 40) primarily in order to

  A. identify the most critical variable differentiating subgroups of patients

  B. cast doubt on the advisability of implementing Frazier and Mosteller’s proposals about medical research

  C. indicate why progressive diseases may require different treatments at different stages

  D. illustrate a point about the value of enrolling a wide range of patients in clinical trials

  E. substantiate an argument about the problems inherent in enrolling large numbers of patients in clinical trials



  The passage is primarily concerned with

  A. identifying two practices in medical research that may affect the accuracy of clinical trials

  B. describing aspects of medical research that tend to drive up costs

  C. evaluating an analysis of certain shortcomings of current medical research practices

  D. describing proposed changes to the ways in which clinical trials are conducted

  Frazier and Mosteller assert that medical research could be improved by a move toward larger, simpler clinical trials of medical treatments.

  E. explaining how medical researchers have traditionally conducted clinical trials and how such trials are likely to change偏

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