
2017-08-12 作者: 290阅读


  24. GWD-25-Q13-Q15 songbirds筑巢的成功率

  Grassland songbirds often nest in

  the same grassland-wetland complexes

  as waterfowl, particularly in a certain

  Line part of those complexes, namely,

  (5) upland habitats surrounding wetlands.

  Although some wildlife management

  procedures directed at waterfowl, such

  as habitat enhancement or restoration,

  may also benit songbirds , the impact

  (10) of others, especially the control of

  waterfowl predators, remains difficult to

  predict. For example, most predators

  of waterfowl nests prey opportunistic-

  ally on songbird nests, and removing

  (15) these predators could directly increase

  songbird nesting success. Alterna-

  tively, small mammals such as mice

  and ground squirrels are important

  in the diet of many waterfowl-nest

  (20) predators and can themselves be

  important predators of songbird

  nets. Thus. Removing waterfowl-nest

  predators could affect songbird nesting

  success through subsequent increases

  (25) in small-mammal populations.

  In 1995 and 1996, researchers

  trapped and removed certain waterfowl-

  nest predators. primary raccoons and

  striped skunks, then observed subse-

  (30) quent survival rates for songbird nests.

  Surprisingly. They observed no sig-

  nificant fect on songbird nesting

  success. This may be due to several

  factors. Neither raccoons nor striped

  (35) skunks consume ground squirrels,

  which are important predators of song-

  bird nests. Thus, their removal may

  not have led to significant increases

  in populations of smaller predators.

  (40) Additionally, both raccoons and striped

  skunks prer wetlands and spend little

  time in upland habitats; removing these

  species may not have increased the

  nesting success of songbirds in the

  uplands enough to allow detection.  

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