
2017-08-11 作者: 378阅读


  cr:买了陈向东的gmat逻辑推理,感觉很好,入门好东西,做过两边,逻辑关键还是思路。Lawyer的逻辑方法那个必看,如果时间实在紧,看那个再做遍og练习下就行了~多瞻仰瞻仰Lawyer的帖子,Lawyer rp好,每次都讲的很详细,推理过程写的很细,通过瞻仰这样的帖子有助于我们形成正确cr思路。逻辑推荐把做过的题反复做,重视思路,不要回忆答案,专注于reasoning line,分清那些是无关信息,那些是reasoning line的主干。这里有个我考前一天才发现的敲门!!!自认为绝对重要的og的新用法!!!前牛们大都强调看og解释,不错,(虽然其实我觉得 lawyer讲的更好)但有一点感觉大家忽略了,就是每道解释后面都有个Situation,这个太关键了,考前一天看diagnostic test时才发现的,Situation把原本n长的原文删减的其短无比,而删减后的Situation竟包括所有解题的所需要的信息!!!这就是原文的 reasoning line,这就暴露了gmac认为哪些信息是大家常说的unrelated,哪些是解题关键!!!下面以一道题为例说明:

  diagnostic test cr29

  The Hazenlton coal-processing plant is a major employer in the Hazenlton area, but national environmental regulation will force it to close if it continues to use old, polluting processing methods. However, to update the plant to use newer, cleaner methods would be so expensive that the plant will close unless it receives the tax break it had requested. In order to prevent a major increase in local unemployment, the Hazenlton government is considering granting the plant’s request.

  Which of the following would be most important for the Hazenlton government to determine bore whether to grant the plant’s request?

  (A) Whether the company that owns the plant would open a new plant in another area if the present plant were closed.

  (B) Whether the plant would employ far fewer workers when updated that it does now

  (C) Whether the level of pollutants presently being emitted by the plant is high enough to constitute a health hazard for local residents.

  (D) Whether the majority of the coal processed by the plant is sold outside the Hazenlton area

  (E) Whether the plant would be able to process more coal when updated than it does now.


  Situation:Because of the expenses of mandatory updating, a plant that is a major employer in the local area will close unless it receives the tax break it has requested from the local government.

  看到妙处了么?!!!原文那么多行,实际上大都没用,Situation只用了一句话便表达除了原文一大坨才说明白的问题,而且大家试试看,单看 Situation就可以做题了,因为Situation包含了所有解题需要的信息!!!这道题的特点是原文用句零碎,但信息与Situation一致,还有的Situation的特点是对题目中信息本身的删选,可惜发现的太晚来不及看了,也就没过多加以研究,才开始复习的朋友在时间允许的情况下不妨多总结下,相信绝对锻炼对cr的信息筛选能力,判断什么是related information,什么unrelated information是再加上lawyer的思路,估计就无敌了~

  总体感觉,cr就是一种抓住要点,四两拨千斤的意思,推出reasoning line后,根据reasoning line中的关键信息进行反驳或支持或评价等,比如还说这道题,原文一大坨就得出Situation那么点,但正确选项只抓住a major employer进行评价,这个a major employer就是四两拨千斤关键点。所以对于cr,缕清reasoning line,抓住四两拨千斤关键点差不多就ok了。

  以上就是740分考生的GMAT考试备考经验分享,考生可据此进行参考,通过反复练习来逐步掌握GMAT考试的备考技巧,提高备考效率,从而在短期内提升GMAT考试成绩。 相关链接



3.GMAT考试 2月13日更新GMAT逻辑机经(一)

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