GMAT作文范文:Issue 7.

2017-08-11 作者: 248阅读


  “The best way to give advice to other people is to find out what they want and then advise them how to attain it。” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading。

  I agree that the best way to give advice to other people is to find out what they want and then give them advice about how to attain it. It means that we must understand the person first then give our opinions to him just as rerence。

  First, you must find out what the person‘s real thought and intention; otherwise, you may give wrong advice or the advice which is nonsense to the person. For example, bore I immigrate to Canada I promised to lend my apartment to one of my friends in my home country because he was so poor that he did not have his own apartment yet. But bore I lt my country, the friend kept telling me that his wife did not like to live in other person‘s apartment. I misunderstood his idea and gave him the advice: You could borrow loan from bank and buy your own apartment then your wife will live in her own apartment. And I rent the apartment to a tenant other than lent the apartment to the friend. Now, we are not friend any more. He was angry with me. Why? My other friend told me this previous fiend‘s real intention, when he said that his wife did not like to live in other person‘s apartment, was to buy my apartment in a discount。

  Furthermore, only when you find out what the person‘s real intention is, you can decide if you should give advice or not. I give you the same person‘s example. When he kept calling me that he did not earn enough money when he worked in his home town and asked my advice. He told me the wage he got in a year and I compare it with my own wage. His wage is just one-tenth of mine. So, I give my advice that he could come to my company. I help him to come to my company. Now, His real intention was revealed: He wanted to live the same living standard as I was or share the money, which I previously earned, with him. If I could really catch his intention at the very beginning. I am sure I will not give him any advice。

  In conclusion, if you want to give advice to someone, you must know his real intention first. Only in this way, you will give good advice to him. And you must keep in mind that sometimes it is better not to give advice at all。


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