
2017-08-11 作者: 303阅读



  The issue concerning whether… is quite controversial.

  Frankly, I share the author’s point that…(外加部分限定条件)

  But, as I see, without weighing all factors affecting…, the author practically narrows the opinion to an extreme, thereby giving rise to a distortion of the original intention underlying this issue.

  Accordingly, a fundamental analysis representing my points of agreement and remedy with the opinion is discussed as below.

  On the one hand, the assertion that… is largely tenable.

  One important supporting reason is that…


  Therore, the author’s assertion, although suffering from a few drawbacks, has its salient merit, that is, the implicit rationale behind the assertion accords not only with the common sense but also with our life experience and an foreseeable trend.

  On the other hand, this assertion, to some extent, amounts to an overstatement because it fails to take into consideration other essential factors whereas an appropriate choice must incorporate different aspects of the issue.

  For example…

  In conclusion, the issue of whether… is a meaningful but complex one. Only by both considering the factors discussed above and dissecting other circumstances that are not detailed or not even mentioned here, can we safely arrive at the conclusion that…



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