
2017-08-11 作者: 228阅读



  1. Because the duration of action of the toxin is limited, treatment of ten must be given about every three months. (因为此毒素的作用时期是有限的,每三个月必须治疗一次。)

  2. Because of his incompetence, we lost a lot of business.(因为他的能力不足,我们失去很多生意。)

  3. Just because I don&apost complain doesn&apost mean I&aposm satisfied.(就因为我不发怨言,并不表示我很满意。)

  4. Since this research cannot be justified on the basis of its therapeutic benit for the patient, it must be considered nontherapeutic.(由於此研究不能以治疗带来的利益来衡量,我们必须从治疗以外的角度来看此研究。)

  5. The argument is fallacious, for it is based on a set of factual flaws.(这段论述是谬误的,因为它的基础与事实不符。)

  6. As he has been in prison several times, he is a prime suspect for the case.(由於他坐过几次牢,他是此案件的主嫌犯。)

  7. Now that these studies have provided us with more convenient, versatile antibiotic strategies for treating low-risk patients with fever and neutropenia, outpatient treatment of these diseases seem justified.(由於这些研究提供我们较方便、多用途的抗生素,以治疗患有发烧以及嗜中性白血球减少症的低危险群患者,那么以门诊方式处理这些疾病似乎就显得名正言顺。)

  8. Criticism is necessary in that it helps us to correct our mistakes.(批评是必要的,因为批评有助於我们改正错误。)

  9. The reason why we failed is that the costs were too high.(我们失败的原因是成本太高。)

  10. He complains with reason that he has been punished unfairly.(他有所抱怨,理由是他受到的处罚不公平。)

  11. There is no reason to believe that he is dishonest.(我们没有理由相信他是不诚实的。)

  12. Give me your reasons for doing it.(告诉我你这么做的理由。)

  13. For these reasons, it appears that the patients we studied viewed "alternative" medicine as a complement to rather than an alternative to established medical practices for treating breast cancer.(基於这些理由,我们研究的病患似乎把另类疗法视为治疗乳癌的补充疗法,而非替代疗法。)

  14. The decline in sales is due to several factors.(销售下降要归咎於若干因素。)

  15. Many people are unemployed as a result of the economic slump.(很多人因为经济不景气而失业。)

  16. As a result, physicians may be reluctant to treat the mother aggressively at the time of initial diagnosis.(因此,医生或许会不愿意在初次诊断的时候,就积极的治疗这位母亲。)

  17. As a consequence, many researchers routinely violate its requirements.(因此,许多研究人员经常违反规定。)

  18. As a consequence of the results of the aforementioned analyses, patients rerring pain located at the right epigastrium were selected and further evaluated.(基於前述分析之结果,病患称右上腹部疼痛的,我们会加以筛选,再进一步评估。)

  19. Thanks to the new technology, these problems have largely been eliminated.(感谢这个新科技,这些问题大体上都消除了。)

  20. I lost my card so I have to apply for a new one. (我的卡掉了,所以我必须申请一张新卡。)

  21. I think, therore I am.(我思故我在)

  22. I gave him my advice; I hope he may profit thereby.(我已经劝告他了,我希望他会因此而受惠。)

  23. He worked hard, and hence his success.(他努力工作,因此就成功了。

  24. According to the weather forecast, we will have rain tomorrow.(根据气象预测,明天将下雨。)

  25. Based on a true story, the book portrays the village as a pleasant place.(根据真实故事,此本书把这村庄描绘成一个令人愉快的地方。

  26. In view of the prisoner&aposs good character hitherto, he was placed on probation.(有鉴於此囚犯到目前为止所表现的品行,他获得缓刑。)

  27. In light of the new evidence, we decided to take the manufacturer to court.(由於这项新证据,我们决定控告厂商。)

  28. Seeing that he is young, his salary is not so bad.(因为他还年轻,他的薪水还不错。)

  29. In consideration of his hard work, we paid him well.(因为他工作努力,我们给他丰厚的报酬。)

  30. Out of consideration for his family, they didn&apost dismiss him.(考虑到他的家庭,他们没有开除他。)

  31. Owing to the rain, the match was canceled.(因为天雨,比赛取消了。)

  32. Accordingly, we infer that the cognitive structures proposed by Piaget is not valid for explaining the course of cognitive development during the stage.(因此,我们推论,Piaget所提出的认知架构,无法解释此阶段的认知发展。)

  33. Cell types have been implicated in the etiology of autoimmune diseases.(细胞型态一直是自动免疫系统疾病的肇因之一)

  34. Other factors may all play important roles in the development of progressive liver disease.(其他因素在进行性肝病的发展上,也都可能扮演重要角色。)

  35. Genetic factors are important in the development of most autoimmune diseases.(基因在大部分自动免疫疾病的发展上都是重要的因素。)

  36. What the researchers found, after adjusting for age and other risk factors, was a direct link between how much the men smoked and how sick they got.(调整年龄以及其他危险因素後,研究人员发现,抽多少香烟与病情的严重性,有直接的关连。)

  37. Recreational physical activity was inversely related to the risk of cholecystectomy.(休闲活动越多,越不会发生胆囊切除手术的需要,两者在因果关系上成反比。)

  38. The storm was responsible for most of the damage.(这次损失的大部分都要归咎於这场风暴。)

  39. We observed a significant association between temperatures and crime rates.(我们观察到天气温度与犯罪率之间有重大关连。)

  40. Our studies support the idea that there is a correlation between genetic dects and certain diseases.(我们的研究支持一种看法,那就是,基因缺陷与某些疾病之间有关连。)

  41. The increase is attributable to the ad campaign.(此项增长要归功於广告活动。)

  42. The fair weather contributed to the success of the expedition.(良好的天气促成了这次探险的成功。)

  43. Chronic ethanol consumption has been shown to result in multiple structural and functional alterations in hepatic mitochondria.(研究显示,长期摄取乙醇会导致肝粒线体上,多结构性、功能性的变化。)

  44. Many illnesses result from lack of exercise.(许多疾病导因於缺乏运动。)

  45. Rainstorms cause damage every year.(豪雨每年都引起灾害。)

  46. These experiments leads to many great discoveries.(这些实验导致许多伟大的发现。)

  47. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among Americans.(心脏血管的疾病是美国人死亡的首要原因。)

  48. Privileges often give rise to abuses.(特权往往导致弊端。)

  49. His rude remarks occasioned the quarrel.(他的粗鲁谈话引起争吵。

  50. There is no occasion for anxiety.(没有必要焦虑。)

  51. There is no ground for fear.(我们没有理由害怕。)

  52. His actions generated a good deal of suspicion.(他的行为引起很大的疑心。)

  53. Technological development has brought about a revolution in industry.(科技的发展导致工业界的革命。)

  54. The musical produced a great sensation throughout the country.(这音乐剧在全国各地引起轰动。)

  55. Jack was excused on the ground (grounds) of his youth.(杰克因年轻而获得原谅。)

  56. Hunger was the motive for his stealing.(饥饿是促使他偷窃的动机。

  57. The bonus is an incentive for me to work hard.(奖金是促使我辛勤工作的动机。)

  58. The prize was the spur that made me study hard.(得奖是促使我用功读书的动力。)

  59. I don&apost have the drive to accomplish things.(我没有做事情的动机。)

  60. The success is ascribed to the residents&apos marketing strategies of using the sales network of agricultural cooperatives in big cities.

  61. From this evidence it follows that he is not the murderer.(从这项证据推定,他不是凶手。)



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