
2017-08-11 作者: 254阅读



  正如前文中讲的那样,GMAT阅读的套路性极强,概括地说,GMAT阅读的套路大致分为以下五种: 新老观点对比型、结论解释型、现象解释型、结论解释型和特别套路:

  1. 新老观点对比型

  · 判断标志:此类文章一般会在第一段提出一个“老观点” 。此处的“老观点”是指过去的、传统、大家一致公认的观点。而且通常GMAT提出老观点的时候会给予一些语言的提示,例如:it was traditionally assumed…it was once / usually believed… Many ××believed that…Many ××have argued… It was frequently assumed that…the common beli It was universally accepted that…

  · 接下去文章一般会提出新观点,通常会在第一段中部或第二段开头,而且也会有一些语言提示: 例如, But, Yet,However 或用时间状语表示强对比(例如 in the 1960‘s 和Recently)


  It has been frequently assumed, but not proved, that the majority of the migrants in what has come to be called the Great Migration came from rural areas and were motivated by two concurrent factors: ……..

  But the question of who actually lt the South has never been rigorously investigated. ……..


  Federal forts to aid minority businesses began in the 1960&aposs when the Small Business Administration (SBA) ……..

  Recently federal policymakers have adopted an approach intended to accelerate development of the (15) minority business sector by moving away from directly.. ……..



  Seeking a competitive advantage, some professional service firms(for example, firms providing advertising, accounting, or health care services) have considered offering unconditional guarantees of satisfaction. 。。。。an unconditional guarantee can be an fective marketing tool if the ……..

  However, an unconditional guarantee can sometimes hinder marketing forts. With its implication that fail……..


  第一段说“无条件质量保证很有效” 而第二段首句说“无条件质量保证有时会阻碍营销活动”针对同一个“无条件质量保证”给出了截然相反的两个观点。


  ·阅读重点: 新观点


  · 判断标志:开头是主题句(经常表现为判断句),后面“展开具体内容”。


  Recent years have brought minority-owned

  businesses in the United States unprecedented

  opportunities-as well as new and significant risks.

  Civil rights activists have long argued that one of

  (5) the principal reasons why Blacks, Hispanics, and

  other minority groups have difficulty establishing

  themselves in business is that they lack access to

  the sizable orders and subcontracts that are gener-

  ated by large companies. Now Congress, in appar-

  (10) ent agreement, has required by law that businesses

  awarded federal contracts of more than $500,000

  do their best to find minority subcontractors and

  record their forts to do so on forms filed with the

  government. Indeed, some federal and local agen-

  (15) cies have gone so far as to set specific percentage

  goals for apportioning parts of public works con-

  tracts to minority enterprises.

  Corporate response appears to have been sub-

  stantial. According to figures collected in 1977,

  (20) the total of corporate contracts with minority busi-

  nesses rose from $77 million in 1972 to $1. lbillion

  in 1977. The projected total of corporate contracts

  with minority businesses for the early 1980&aposs is

  estimated to be over 53 billion per year with no

  (25) letup anticipated in the next decade.

  Promising as it is for minority businesses, this

  increased patronage poses dangers for them, too.

  First, minority firms risk expanding too fast and

  overextending themselves financially, since most

  (30) are small concerns and, unlike large businesses,

  they often need to make substantial investments in

  new plants, staff, equipment, and the like in order

  to perform work subcontracted to them. If, there-

  after, their subcontracts are for some reason

  (35) reduced, such firms can face potentially crippling

  fixed expenses. The world of corporate purchasing

  can be frustrating for small entrepreneurs who get

  requests for elaborate formal estimates and bids.

  Both consume valuable time and resources, and a

  (40) small company&aposs forts must soon result in

  orders, or both the morale and the financial health

  of the business will suffer.

  A second risk is that White-owned companies

  may seek to cash in on the increasing apportion-

  (45) ments through formation of joint ventures with

  minority-owned concerns. Of course, in many

  instances there are legitimate reasons for joint

  ventures; clearly, White and minority enterprises

  can team up to acquire business that neither could

  (50) acquire alone. But civil rights groups and minority

  business owners have complained to Congress about

  minorities being set up as "fronts" with White back-

  ing, rather than being accepted as full partners in

  legitimate joint ventures.

  (55) Third, a minority enterprise that secures the

  business of one large corporate customer often run

  the danger of becoming--and remaining—dependent.

  Even in the best of circumstances, fierce compe-

  tition from larger, more established companies

  (60) makes it difficult for small concerns to broaden

  their customer bases: when such firms have nearly

  guaranteed orders from a single corporate bene-

  factor, they may truly have to struggle against

  complacency arising from their current success.


  文章开头说“近年来, 少数民族企业迎来了前所未有的发展机会,但同时也面临着风险”然后第二段说“企业对少数民族企业的反应很积极”;第三段说“尽管前景很光明,但是少数民族企业也面临着风险”并说了第一个风险;第四段和第五段分别说了第二和第三个风险。所以很明显首段首句是全文的主题句.

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