gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(十).

2017-08-10 作者: 50阅读

91. The Senate approved immigration legislation that would grant permanent residency to millions of aliens currently residing here and penalize employers who hire illegal aliens.

92. Despite protests from some waste-disposal companies, state health officials have ordered that the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches be measured and the results published.

93. By a vote of 9 to 0, the Supreme Court awarded the Central Intelligence Agency broad discretionary powers enabling it to withhold from the public the identities of its sources of intelligence information.

94. The Coast Guard is conducting tests to see whether pigeons can be trained to help find survivors of wrecks at sea.

95. Unlike Schoenberg, whose 12-tone system dominated the music of the postwar period, Bartok founded no school and lt behind only a handful of disciples.

96. Ranked as one of the most important of Europe&aposs young playwrights, Franz Xaver Kroetz has written 40 plays; his works-translated into more than 30 languages-are produced more often than those of any other contemporary German dramatist.

97. Like the planets, the stars are in motion, some of them at tremendous speeds, but they are so far away from Earth that their apparent positions in the sky do not change enough for their movement to be observed during a single human lifetime.

98. As rainfall an to decrease in the Southwest about the middle of the twelfth century, most of the Monument Valley Anasazi abandoned their homes to join other clans whose access to water was less limited.

99. Just as reading Samuel Pepys&aposs diary gives a student a sense of the seventeenth century-of its texture and psyche-so listening to Jane Freed’s guileless child narrator takes the operagoer inside turn-of-the-?century Vienna.


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