
2017-08-10 作者: 243阅读



  ①  不作核心词: a number of / numbers of + 复数名词+ 复数谓语,此时表示一定数量的XXX,


  ②  作核心词:

  ⅰ 被具体化为几个数字; New Jersey has one of the 5 highest numbers of reported cases of Lyme diseases in the Unite States.

  ⅱ 被具体化倾向不明显,表示一定数量; …..;It’s numbers are now five-times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970’s.

  ⅲ 固定搭配: in numbers/ in number 表示在数值方面的减小

  在句中作状语; eg

  decline/ downturn in number(s)

  ⅳ the number of + 复数名词 + 单数谓语

  ⅴ the number(s) of 表示标号、数字标识; eg The number of machine part A is 201.

  17、  Whereas引导从句时,要求和主句在成分上核心逻辑有对称;若有介词短语,那么介词短语的位置一般要求一致。

  Eg  In cooking, small quantities of spices are used, whereas in medicinal usage spices are taken in large quantities in order to treat particular maladies.

  18、  Like/unlike 后只加名词表示比较,不能加不定式短语、分词短语(like cooking with spices)、句子或者介词短语;

  如果要加这些成分,需要变Like/unlike为 whereas

  19、  副词的位置:even放在比较级前修饰(even better); ever放在住动词后(I have ever done…); only和first放在被强调成分之前; alone放在被强调成分之后。

  20、  两个不同层次,但在逻辑上有联系的句子,用分号(semicolon)连接最好。

  21、  嵌入式关系分句:有种关系成分(定语从句),即是先行项的后置修饰语(定语),


  Eg  The word wildlife fund has declared that global warming, a phenomenon that most scientists agree is caused by human being’s burning of fossil fuels, will create haroc among migratory birds by altering the environment in ways harmful to their habitats.

  ①  定语从句:a phenomenon that is caused by…

  ②  宾语从句:most scientists agree that the phenomenon is caused by…

  22、  not one of = none of +复数名词 +单数谓语

  23、  ones在比较句中不能指代people应用those

  eg  Only seven people have been killed by white shark, fewer than those killed by bee strings.

  24、  After having done sth. 不正确。 After 已经表示了 a sequence of a succession of events, 应替换成 after sth./ sb. have done 或者 after sth./sb. did 之类的从句形式。


  我考到了 = =)

  25、  which不能指代前面一句话,但in which case 就可以。

  26、 excepting 多用于否定意义的句子中, eg Everyone helped, not excepting John.

  Except:除了 不同类别的排出

  Besides: 除此之外还有

  Apart from: 可替代besides或 except

  27、 while at the same time 是正确的

  28、 despite的几个习惯用法:

  ① despite being offended $1000 to do so

  ② despite recent increase in sales

  ③ despite protests from some waste disposal company

  ④ despite the growing number of people who…

  29、 amount用于不可分割的物体: 如 沙和水; 用less 修饰。

  30、 时间和钱通常不可数;但特指specific coins or bills 时可数

  Eg I have fewer than 5 state quarters to go to make my collection complete.

  31、 More + adj. + n. 往往有修饰歧义; more既可以作adv. 修饰 adj. + n. ; 也可以做adj. 和 第二个adj.一起 修饰n.

  32、 伴随结果状语的两种常见形式: with the result that…/ resulting that…

  33、 In order to 不如 to do 简洁, 同时也不能做主语

  34、 Fish之类的单复数同型词,作单数时一定有冠词(a the an )

  35、 a variety of + 复数n. 谓语用复数

  而 a body of / a collection of / an array of / a series of / a set of / a portion of / a group of / a constellation of / a team of + 复数n. + 单数v.


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