
2017-08-10 作者: 347阅读



  1. Acid rain and snow result from the chemical reactions between industrial emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxideswith atmospheric water vapor to produce highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric acids.

  (A)with atmospheric water vapor to produce highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric acids

  (B)with atmospheric water vapor producing highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric acids

  (C)and atmospheric water vapor which has produced highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric acids

  (D)and atmospheric water vapor which have produced sulfuric and nitric acids which are highly corrosive

  (E)and atmospheric water vapor to produce highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric acids

  这道题目的考查对象为between…and…这一常见的固定搭配,用来连接两个名词或名词短语,本题对考生的干扰主要在于sulfur dioxide和nitrogen oxides中间已经出现了一个and,有些考生就想到GMAT语法要求句子简明,那么连用and肯定不合适,首先将C,D和E排除掉了。但是如果用 with,整句话逻辑关系不通,这个错误当然要比用词重复严重得多,相比之下还是选择使语意合乎逻辑的选项,正确答案为E。我们不选C和D的理由并不是由于句子不简洁,而是其逻辑关系有误。

  2. A majority of the international journalists surveyed view nuclear power stations as unsafe at present butthat they will,or could,be made sufficiently safe in the future.

  (A)that they will,or could

  (B)that they would,or could

  (C)they will be or could

  (D)think that they will be or could

  (E)think the power stations would or could


  3.Unlike the acid smoke of cigarettes, pipe tobacco, cured by age-old methods, yields an alkaline smoketoo irritating to be drawn into the lungs.

  (A) Unlike the acid smoke of cigarettes, pipe tobacco, cured by age-old methods, yields an alkaline smoke

  (B) Unlike the acid smoke of cigarettes, pipe tobacco is cured by age-old methods, yielding an alkaline smoke

  (C)Unlike cigarette tobacco, which yields an acid smoke, pipe tobacco, cured by age-old methods, yields an alkaline smoke

  (D) Differing from cigarettes’ acid smoke, pipe tobacco’s alkaline smoke, cured by age-old methods, is

  (E) The alkaline smoke of pipe tobacco differs from cigarettes’ acid smoke in that it is cured by age-old methods and is

  解答本题时首先排除的是D答案,因为differ from不能用在句首。本题的正确答案为C,但是很多考生的目光都是在C上暂作停留就转向其他选项了。原因是C中连用了两个yield,这样的句子毫无美感可言,缺乏变化。可是千万别忘记考虑到句子重心问题,其他几个答案都是把句子重心搞错了,smoke和cigarette对应有误,这可是大禁忌,比起这个错误来,用词重复还算得了什么呢?



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