
2017-08-10 作者: 247阅读


  1. Read the entire sentence carully. Try to understand the specific idea or relationship that the sentence should express.(逻辑意思是GMAC策略的第一条啊!)

  2. Since the part of the sentence that may be incorrect is underlined, concentrate on evaluating the underlined part for errors and possible corrections bore reading the answer choices.(错误部分才划线,所以对划线部分格外注意。――虽然实在,但地球人都知道。)

  3. Read each answer choice carully. The first answer choice always repeats the underlined portion of the original sentence. Choose this answer if you think that the sentence is best as it stands, but only after examining all of the other choices.(要看完所有的选项――正确答案是比较出来的)

  4. Try to determine how well each choice corrects whatever you consider wrong with the original sentence.(注意正确选项是如何更正原选项的错误的。)

  5. Make sure that you evaluate the sentence and the choices in terms of general clarity, grammatical and idiomatic usage, economy and precision of language, and appropriateness of diction.(清晰、符合语法和习惯用法、简洁准确、措词恰当)

  6. Read the whole sentence, substituting the choice that you prer for the underlined part. A choice may be wrong because it does not fit grammatically or structurally with the rest of the sentence. Remember that some sentences will require no corrections. The answer to such a sentence should be the first answer choice.(注意划线之外的部分。)



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