
2017-08-10 作者: 184阅读



  99. The stars, some of them at tremendous speeds, are in motion just as the planets are, yet being so far away from Earth that their apparent positions in the sky do not change enough for their movement to be observed during a single human lifetime.

  (A) The stars, some of them at tremendous speeds, are in motion just as the planets are, yet being

  (B) Like the planets, the stars are in motion, some of them at tremendous speeds, but they are

  (C) Although like the planets the stars are in motion, some of them at tremendous speeds, yet

  (D) As the planets, the stars are in motion, some of them at tremendous speeds, but they are

  (E) The stars are in motion like the planets, some of which at tremendous speeds are in motion but


  (A)The stars, some of them at tremendous speeds, are in motion just as the planets are, yet being

  【错误】 平行结构:“yet”表转折是和“but”一样,两边应连接平行的结构(语法功能一致,逻辑含义对等),但没有任何结构能与“yet”之后的“being so far away from Earth”语法功能一致。

  (B)Like the planets, the stars are in motion, some of them at tremendous speeds, but they are

  【正确】 “the planets”和“the stars”可以用“like”比较。“some of them at tremendous speeds”是一个插入在主谓结构之间的独立主格,语义上这个独立主格在主谓结构“the stars are in motion”之后插入了一个附属含义——“某些行星高速运动”,语法上没有任何错误。“but they are so far away from Earth that……”中“they”出现在主语部分,因此可以根据“平行指代优先”原则,明确地指代前一个主谓结构的主语“the stars”。

  【大意】 与行星相似,恒星在运动,一些恒星在高速运动。但是他们离地球太远,以至于在一个人的有生之年他们在天空的位置不会发生可观测的变化。

  (C)Although like the planets the stars are in motion, some of them at tremendous speeds, yet

  【错误】 句子结构:在一对转折关系中“although”和“but(yet)”只能使用其一。

  (D)As the planets, the stars are in motion, some of them at tremendous speeds, but they are

  【错误】 比较结构:“as the planets”放在句首无法表达“像行星一样”,而是表达“作为行星”。

  (E)The stars are in motion like the planets, some of which at tremendous speeds are in motion but

  【错误】 修饰关系:“like the planets”本意上跳跃“are in motion”修饰名词“the stars”,“some of which……”跳跃“are in motion like the planets”修饰“the stars”,正确选项应尽量避免跳跃修饰,尤其不能允许如本选项中“some of which……”语法上也可就近修饰“planets”的情况出现。因此本选项修饰关系不明确,表意逊于能够合理规避跳跃修饰的选项(B)。




  (D)中“As the planets”无法表示比较的含义,排除。




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