
2017-08-10 作者: 232阅读

  更新至7.21 共53篇

  第十七篇 蚂蚁生活习性 scratte (V42) 7/1

  第一段:某蚂蚁有个特殊的生活习性:某段时间被称为statary (反正就是static的意思)phase,蚂蚁们都蛰伏在家;然后会集体乾坤大挪移,称为nomadic phase。传统的观点认为,蚂蚁们这样做是因为食物吃光了,民以食为天,所以要搬家,forage。但是新的证据表明,蚂蚁们搬家还有个原因,就是biological cycle。



  考古 感谢nowwsy!7/1

  【版本2】03/11 VERBAL碰上两道机经阅读,一个蚂蚁那个。



  1.问primary purpose。 JJ作者的答案:注意,第一段有提到一个earlier observation, 作者对这个是做了补充,而非反驳或什么的. 所以选项选有supplement 的那一项

  2.文章最后一句话高光,问目的。JJ作者:是讲ant 完成nomatic phrase后会到达steery, 选项里有一项是evidence to support the conclusion that nomatic period is linked to reproductive cycle. JJ中没有提到的关键词:nomatic period is linked with reproductive cycle.这是作者在第一段末尾说的

  3.是nomatic phase 和stetery 期间ant 行为的比较,主要在第二段定位。我做时有点晕。有pupae(蛹),好像是这词,我也不知道是什么意思

  有益补充:google 出来的 有点像 里面还有说SP和NP两个阶段 大家可以搜一下

  Nomadic behavior of the army ant Neivamyrmex nigrescens was studied in a desert-grassland habitat. Six colonies were followed through eight nomadic phases (94 nomadic days) while direction and distance of emigrations, growth of larvae, number of adults and larvae per colony were determined.

  In all colonies, the nomadic phase began when newly enclosed adults and small larvae were present, and ended when the larvae were fully grown. Average emigration distance was positively related to number of larvae in the colony. These findings support Schneirla&aposs theory that brood stimulation is a proximate cause of the nomadic phase.

  Failures to emigrate were equally likely at all points in the nomadic phase, and there was no systematic increase in emigration distance as the phase progressed. These findings do not support Schneirla&aposs version of brood-stimulative theory.

  Number of adults per colony was positively related to the directionality of the nomadic phase; however, both the direction and distance of emigrations varied unpredictably from one nomadic day to the next, in marked contrast to predictions from optimal foraging theory.

  Schneirla&aposs theory is usul in predicting phase differences in colony behavior, but it does not account for characteristics such as frequency, direction, or distance of emigrations within the nomadic phase. These aspects of nomadic behavior are more closely related to characteristics of the habitat such as prey density and availability of nest sites. Army ant nomadism in this habitat may depart from the optimum because of high prey density, small colony size, or lack of nesting sites.

  有益补充2:蚂蚁那篇,有解释 statary phase, 凑合着用!(感谢黄GG)

  Eciton army ants have a bi-phasic lifestyle where they alternate between a nomadic phase and a stationary stage. In the stationary or statary phase (&aposstatary&apos is an old English word meaning "to stand in place"), which lasts about three weeks, the ants remain in the same location every night. They make a nest out of their own bodies, protecting the queen and her eggs in the middle. This temporary home is known as a bivouac(露营地). In the nomadic phase the ants move their entire colony to a new location nearly every night for two weeks.

  When the ants first enter the statary phase, the queen&aposs body swells massively and she lays as many as 250,000 eggs in less than a week. While the eggs mature, the ants swarm with less frequency and intensity. When the eggs hatch, the excitement caused by the increased activity of the larvae causes the colony to enter the nomadic phase. The colony swarms much more intensely and nearly every day, and the ants move to a new location every night. After two weeks, around the time when the larvae begin to pupate(化蛹), the colony again enters the statary phase, and the cycle begins anew (Schneirla, 1971).

  相关资料 form Yoshimihoku 7/15

  游蚁亚科-详细介绍在美洲大陆大约有150种行军蚁,它们全部属于游蚁族(Ecitonini)。其中本属的Eciton burchelli和Eciton hamatum最为常见研究得也最多。


  一个是比较稳定的时期(statary phase,“statary”是一个比较古老的英文单词,大概就是“呆在那里”的意思。)这个时期大约要持续3周,此时蚂蚁每晚在同一个地方宿营。工蚁们用自己的身体抱成团状巢,蚁后和幼虫等在中央。这样的营地被称作bivouac。

  当蚁群进入这个时期时,蚁后的腹部迅速膨大,在短短不到一周的时间内产会下大约25万枚卵。在卵成熟时,蚁群活动相对较少。一旦卵孵化, 整个蚁群便立即兴奋起来,于是……

  蚁群进入了下一个时期,一个游猎时期(nomadic phase)。在将近两周的时间内它们不断的变换宿营地。游猎中的蚁群具有惊人的杀伤力,它们所向披靡,几乎消灭任何比它们跑得慢的动物。


  第十八篇 美国自由贸易发展史 scratte (V42) 7/1

  标准经济学历史观点认为,美国是1944年加入布雷顿森林体系以后才由贸易保护主义(protectionism)转变为free trade的;但实际上,早在1930年,美国通过了一个New Rorm法案,这个法案就暗含了向自由主义的转变。美国在过去一直是执行贸易保护主义的(不论民主党还是共和党),所以,有人说1930年代的大萧条就是保护主义导致的(这被认为是有一定道理的)。所以在大萧条期间,有少部分企业已经意识到了保护主义是错误的,所以他们改革开放了,勇敢的走了出去,并获得了利益;同时,许多银行也参加到了自由贸易的进程中。在1930年,那些走出去的企业找到了民主党,并且和民主党达成了一个deal,民主党通过法案,方便其自由贸易,而这些大企业作为回报,支持民主党在法案中的改革举措。

  考古 感谢nowwsy!7/1

  讨论美国从保守的贸易保护主义转向支持free trade

  传统观点该shift是在1940年代布雷森会议中体现的。但作者观点是其实该转变早在40年代前就开始了。早在30年大萧条前,美国government, labor unions等支持conservative protection of trade。30年代大萧条,大萧条中唯一比较景气的公司是少数几个允许进行国际贸易的大公司。由于看到了自由贸易的好处,企业发现保守主义行不通了。一些有海外贸易的公司和已经internationalized banks联合起来支持自由贸易。这直接导致了他们与他们一贯支持的持保护主义政策的民主党政府在意见上的不一致或决裂,由于这些大集团的影响,民主党政府政策上也有改变,并导致随后的NEW DEAL,然后他们就同民主党达成了某种交易,他们转而支持民主党,而民主党转而支持自由贸易.


  Q2:问假如highlight的1930s 的real new什么忘了是真实的,下面那个是存在的?

  我选了民主党有些人是反对这个开放政策,原文的说法是bank啊大公司啊和民主党狼狈为奸、官商勾结企业支持民主党的政策民主党in turnabout它的政策去开放(言下之意,原来是反对开放的吧)

  Q3:记得是问1930年代(就是那个时候虽然一个什么转到FREE TRADE的协议还没有签署,这个协议是1944年签署的,但是实际上1930年代已经转向自由贸易了),问从文中能推出什么

  记得是选那个说1930年代已经有一小部分的企业开始支持自由贸易了,其他选项说TRADE UNION怎样,还有1944年以后怎样,都不对



  Q5: 主体题,我选的是批评历史的观点,

  Q6: 问那些大公司的作用是什么,我选使政府的政策支持自由贸易


  更新至7.21 共53篇

  第十七篇 蚂蚁生活习性 scratte (V42) 7/1

  第一段:某蚂蚁有个特殊的生活习性:某段时间被称为statary (反正就是static的意思)phase,蚂蚁们都蛰伏在家;然后会集体乾坤大挪移,称为nomadic phase。传统的观点认为,蚂蚁们这样做是因为食物吃光了,民以食为天,所以要搬家,forage。但是新的证据表明,蚂蚁们搬家还有个原因,就是biological cycle。



  考古 感谢nowwsy!7/1

  【版本2】03/11 VERBAL碰上两道机经阅读,一个蚂蚁那个。



  1.问primary purpose。 JJ作者的答案:注意,第一段有提到一个earlier observation, 作者对这个是做了补充,而非反驳或什么的. 所以选项选有supplement 的那一项

  2.文章最后一句话高光,问目的。JJ作者:是讲ant 完成nomatic phrase后会到达steery, 选项里有一项是evidence to support the conclusion that nomatic period is linked to reproductive cycle. JJ中没有提到的关键词:nomatic period is linked with reproductive cycle.这是作者在第一段末尾说的

  3.是nomatic phase 和stetery 期间ant 行为的比较,主要在第二段定位。我做时有点晕。有pupae(蛹),好像是这词,我也不知道是什么意思

  有益补充:google 出来的 有点像 里面还有说SP和NP两个阶段 大家可以搜一下

  Nomadic behavior of the army ant Neivamyrmex nigrescens was studied in a desert-grassland habitat. Six colonies were followed through eight nomadic phases (94 nomadic days) while direction and distance of emigrations, growth of larvae, number of adults and larvae per colony were determined.

  In all colonies, the nomadic phase began when newly enclosed adults and small larvae were present, and ended when the larvae were fully grown. Average emigration distance was positively related to number of larvae in the colony. These findings support Schneirla&aposs theory that brood stimulation is a proximate cause of the nomadic phase.

  Failures to emigrate were equally likely at all points in the nomadic phase, and there was no systematic increase in emigration distance as the phase progressed. These findings do not support Schneirla&aposs version of brood-stimulative theory.

  Number of adults per colony was positively related to the directionality of the nomadic phase; however, both the direction and distance of emigrations varied unpredictably from one nomadic day to the next, in marked contrast to predictions from optimal foraging theory.

  Schneirla&aposs theory is usul in predicting phase differences in colony behavior, but it does not account for characteristics such as frequency, direction, or distance of emigrations within the nomadic phase. These aspects of nomadic behavior are more closely related to characteristics of the habitat such as prey density and availability of nest sites. Army ant nomadism in this habitat may depart from the optimum because of high prey density, small colony size, or lack of nesting sites.

  有益补充2:蚂蚁那篇,有解释 statary phase, 凑合着用!(感谢黄GG)

  Eciton army ants have a bi-phasic lifestyle where they alternate between a nomadic phase and a stationary stage. In the stationary or statary phase (&aposstatary&apos is an old English word meaning "to stand in place"), which lasts about three weeks, the ants remain in the same location every night. They make a nest out of their own bodies, protecting the queen and her eggs in the middle. This temporary home is known as a bivouac(露营地). In the nomadic phase the ants move their entire colony to a new location nearly every night for two weeks.

  When the ants first enter the statary phase, the queen&aposs body swells massively and she lays as many as 250,000 eggs in less than a week. While the eggs mature, the ants swarm with less frequency and intensity. When the eggs hatch, the excitement caused by the increased activity of the larvae causes the colony to enter the nomadic phase. The colony swarms much more intensely and nearly every day, and the ants move to a new location every night. After two weeks, around the time when the larvae begin to pupate(化蛹), the colony again enters the statary phase, and the cycle begins anew (Schneirla, 1971).

  相关资料 form Yoshimihoku 7/15

  游蚁亚科-详细介绍在美洲大陆大约有150种行军蚁,它们全部属于游蚁族(Ecitonini)。其中本属的Eciton burchelli和Eciton hamatum最为常见研究得也最多。


  一个是比较稳定的时期(statary phase,“statary”是一个比较古老的英文单词,大概就是“呆在那里”的意思。)这个时期大约要持续3周,此时蚂蚁每晚在同一个地方宿营。工蚁们用自己的身体抱成团状巢,蚁后和幼虫等在中央。这样的营地被称作bivouac。

  当蚁群进入这个时期时,蚁后的腹部迅速膨大,在短短不到一周的时间内产会下大约25万枚卵。在卵成熟时,蚁群活动相对较少。一旦卵孵化, 整个蚁群便立即兴奋起来,于是……

  蚁群进入了下一个时期,一个游猎时期(nomadic phase)。在将近两周的时间内它们不断的变换宿营地。游猎中的蚁群具有惊人的杀伤力,它们所向披靡,几乎消灭任何比它们跑得慢的动物。






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