2017-08-10 210阅读
118. 保護農田
youngerlee 690 GWD原文的貌似变体BF:某保护组织要保护农田,于是计划买农田,但是他们必须出比其他bidder更高价才行,更何况在农民可以赚钱的时候农民不会卖田,所以保护组织应该BLAHBLAHBLAH.请大家考古,,我实在太困了...
Environmental organizations want to preserve the land surrounding the Wilgrinn Wilderness Area from residential development. They plan to do this by purchasing that land from the farmers who own it. That plan is ill-conceived: if the farmers did sell their land, they would sell it to the highest bidder, and developers would outbid any other bidders. On the other hand, these farmers will never actually sell any of the land, provided that farming it remains viable. But farming will not remain viable if the farms are lt unmodernized, and most of the farmers lack the financial resources modernization requires. And that is exactly why a more sensible preservation strategy would be to assist the farmers to modernize their farms to the extent needed to maintain viability.
119. 水污染——海藻
youngerlee 690 .某个海藻可以产生一种toxin,这种toxin又会使得海龟身上长出tumor(瘤),接着提到了污染会导致水营养变多,海藻暴多,其他的忘了,就想告诉大家,tumor是瘤的意思,问waken.
120. 是油價上漲還是機器老化
youngerlee 690 有个航空公司,因为油价上涨了就亏本了,一个砖家又出来说了,我们的老灰机都不靠谱,烧油,所以我们应该grounding(貌似是这个单词,意思不是丢掉就是换掉)老飞机. 问evaluate 我选的 调查grounding老飞机是不是比让他们继续飞还浪费钱
121. 顧客和職員的聯繫
youngerlee 690说如果一个公司的customer和employee私人关系紧密,customer就不会去向公司complain了,因为抱怨会对employee有negative fects, 然后这对公司其实是不好的,为了解决这个问题,公司应该________. 我选的是[提供一种新途径,可以不指名道姓的投诉]
122 BF
FROMyoshimihoku740Q51V38一个claim that………………。XXXX(一个结论),because of the evidence:BF1。However,XXXXX(一个反驳),since BF2。
一个说,BF1是xxx的evidence,BF2是evidence证明xxx是not conclusive
我选了not conclusive那个
123 通货膨胀和长短期利率的问题
by gjjemily 740高通货时,长期利率高于银行利率;低通货时,短期利率高于银行利率。
124 皮膚癌和駕車位置
690 by 骑着蚂蚁扫荡说在英国人的右脸上出现皮肤癌的比较多,然后分析是因为英国人是右侧开车的缘故,因为开车的人经常坐在右边的位置,阳光就直接照在右脸上。但是后来又说有些人左脸上也会有皮肤癌,问评价.
by HUZ售后服务和定价The only two things for CR I want to mention are:
About the government want to substitute not fragile indicators for fragile indicators to record the flow of (ocean?) and sand.
The right answer I think is that the not fragile indicators would disturb the flow.Another answer about accurency is expressed like this: The not fragile indicator is, although not broken as frequently, as accurate as the fragile one. Open to discuss.
126. 犯罪记录传上网
by ray_shenchenpebble730官司那个是说:英国的什么court把所有的犯罪记录到传网路上,然后大家都可以查阅。然后就是说什么胜诉的少了,然后有人质疑说和解的多了怎样怎样,两个选项比较迷惑:
127. 鸡蛋
by ray_shenchenpebble730蛋的那个:我选的是E:当地的土地?不含钙,所以蛋容易破裂。(反正和钙有关,选项很短,不知道对不对)
128 出產值
jfimage Q49V38 710有个题目说就业率不边,工作时间以及效率都不便,的出产值不变,问削弱:应该选工人总数变化。
2010年7月GMAT逻辑机经(7.27)(十五)2010年7月GMAT逻辑机经(7.27)(十五)118. 保護農田
youngerlee 690 GWD原文的貌似变体BF:某保护组织要保护农田,于是计划买农田,但是他们必须出比其他bidder更高价才行,更何况在农民可以赚钱的时候农民不会卖田,所以保护组织应该BLAHBLAHBLAH.请大家考古,,我实在太困了...
Environmental organizations want to preserve the land surrounding the Wilgrinn Wilderness Area from residential development. They plan to do this by purchasing that land from the farmers who own it. That plan is ill-conceived: if the farmers did sell their land, they would sell it to the highest bidder, and developers would outbid any other bidders. On the other hand, these farmers will never actually sell any of the land, provided that farming it remains viable. But farming will not remain viable if the farms are lt unmodernized, and most of the farmers lack the financial resources modernization requires. And that is exactly why a more sensible preservation strategy would be to assist the farmers to modernize their farms to the extent needed to maintain viability.
119. 水污染——海藻
youngerlee 690 .某个海藻可以产生一种toxin,这种toxin又会使得海龟身上长出tumor(瘤),接着提到了污染会导致水营养变多,海藻暴多,其他的忘了,就想告诉大家,tumor是瘤的意思,问waken.
120. 是油價上漲還是機器老化
youngerlee 690 有个航空公司,因为油价上涨了就亏本了,一个砖家又出来说了,我们的老灰机都不靠谱,烧油,所以我们应该grounding(貌似是这个单词,意思不是丢掉就是换掉)老飞机. 问evaluate 我选的 调查grounding老飞机是不是比让他们继续飞还浪费钱
121. 顧客和職員的聯繫
youngerlee 690说如果一个公司的customer和employee私人关系紧密,customer就不会去向公司complain了,因为抱怨会对employee有negative fects, 然后这对公司其实是不好的,为了解决这个问题,公司应该________. 我选的是[提供一种新途径,可以不指名道姓的投诉]
122 BF
FROMyoshimihoku740Q51V38一个claim that………………。XXXX(一个结论),because of the evidence:BF1。However,XXXXX(一个反驳),since BF2。
一个说,BF1是xxx的evidence,BF2是evidence证明xxx是not conclusive
我选了not conclusive那个
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