2017-08-10 183阅读
85. A。while doing。。。。。,主谓完整的句子。该句的doing的逻辑主语不大对劲,但是BCDE选项都是 完整的句子,完整的句子。中间连个连词都没有。权衡后我选A不知对不对。
86.一道带有predict的题有陷阱!选,the expert predict,作为插入语的那个选项。因为未划线部分需要有一个逻辑合理的搭配,predict that无法使未划线部分搭配符合逻辑,注意未划线部分逻辑要合理!!
87.three times划线 那题我选at three times of. 因为我认为正确的语句应该是 its sales grow at(a rate) three times of the industry&aposs average rate.括号部分是我自己补出的省略部分,不知对不对。
88.有个题我选 its guilty for doing而没选to do。我觉得to do逻辑意思不太对头。
89. the sales of xxx grow _____ the country&aposs overall rate
a.three times of b.three times that of c.at three times of d.at three times that of e.xxx
语法觉得比较难, 虽然很多是考 平行, 比较对象,和诸位一致, 但是很多的选项很tricky, 很多觉得要排除的就往往是对的 , 所以不要太依靠所谓的定理 还是要抓住最主要的考点。
90.(最恶心的)Artist …., XX(某人名) isn’t Jack … of United State …..___________________-, …as remarkable ..….选项有A as much as B so much as ……..
91. Within……, 我选的是deep clouds ……cover and prevent… 注意主语是clouds 所以选cover
92.The latest team of ….., ___________________--using xxxxxx
大家看看谓语是用is 还是are 吧, 我怕误导大家因为我不确定。
注:V2. 因为主语后面有个不划线部分的插入语,which is…,所以后面的谓语应该也是单数吧,我选的: is discovering ——BY ily28
93.有机经力说到的acquire sth 的题目, 但是我不同意选 for, 因为觉得怪怪的 , 但是我选的是有there are 的, 这样貌似又不符合 there be 的用法, 所以 大家还是自己看吧
94.有简单点的, 就是考 not only of …..but also of…..; 还有就是 句首XXXXXX, 然后是主语(是人, 不是那个作家的作品)
95.超级恶心的。A company announced a technology initiative that it say can …….
选项有 that say it can saying thatXXXXX saying it can 之类的
96.有个划线的我在两个选项中犹豫。 D since their discovery E after being discovered. 注意后面不是完成时 所以我觉得不选D
97.XXXXXXXX to have been known horiculturis, heavily dependent on…….., and to have numbered XXXXX 这是我选的 我觉得两个to 平行
99. It is understandable that, by________, (什么人)_________。 这个选项是正确的,其他是By_____________, it is understandable that. 明显的it不能被前面的成分修饰
100.类似于上一道,是Concerned about修饰成分很长, about two (什么人)__________.其他选线concern修饰的成分都不对
101.The discovery of (什么东西) is the first such a discovery of heredical diseases of (什么)systems.
such a discovery of heredical diseases 是划线部分,还有个选项是such discovery for a heredical disease, 我选的是这个,括弧部分不影响判断。
102.一个东西,(长长的修饰部分的废话),led him to seek__________and to explain_________. 还有其他部分时led to his seeking and to explain, led him to seek and explaining之类的选项,都是不对称的,容易排除。
103.a and b were more like than c,有选项是a and b were more lke than they were like c,是错误的。
104.还有一题是分后面是类似于if it functions to (怎么怎么样),which experiment has indicated possible, 还有一些选项,带进去根本读不通, 实在想不起其他选项了
105.还有划线是the possibility of (什么) and possible nonexistence. 错误选项是possibility和possible重合,其他四个都是,大家把这些都排除了,就只有一个了。
106. 考了一題平衡 :三個「介係詞+名詞」的平衡:S+V+about....., blah blah...., about.......
選項有 B. not about...... D. about.....
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