
2017-08-10 作者: 28阅读

2010.10.22—11.6 GMAT语法机经 共64题

  41、只对一道语法题记忆犹新 说一个人XXX dedicated herself into XXX, which includes XXX/ including XXX. 别的地方都一样 我就琢磨到底从句和分词有啥区别 最后犹豫的选了ing 因为它比较简洁(by fliesty)

  42、语法有一道原题(by hmvoice)

  15: GWD-29-Q7

  Until a few centuries ago, any large bones discovered in the fields or caves of Europe, now known to be large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be the remains of giants and were often displayed as curiosities in castles, palaces, town halls, churches, and monasteries.

  A. now known to be large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be

  B. presently known as from large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed as

  C. bones now known to be those of large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be

  D. bones known at present as of large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed as those of

  E. currently known as those of large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be those of


  43、企鹅的题纠结了好久(by missmuer)

  A.Using XX equipment, scientists 研究 penguin 的activity in XXX ocean 那个they 经常活动的地方

  C. Penguin 生活在XXX 被scientists 研究


  44、我记得有一题是选 of sth and of sth(by Zoil)

  45、还有个 viewed 开头的逻辑主语吧然后划线划线要填一个东西答案只有一个是东西其他都是speed啥的选e(by touchmenota)

  46、Dropped (by) more than half 【有没有个by啊。。忘了当时选啥了~~】(by aichang)

  47、动词1,动词2,and 动词3 perhaps 动词4 VS 动词1,动词2,动词3 and perhaps 动词4(by aichang)

  48、The biography of the EEE sisters includes XX, YY and ZZ, provides/ providing (楼主在这里纠结了,不知道前面那个includes算不算是谓语了,如果是就该选providing……) a ### of the family-- they are(有个有they are, 有个没有) ### about ……【答案我自己也不确定,感觉关键在于那个includes】(by aichang)

  49、语法就是好多单词不认识 唉 有个spawl 大家不知道的去查一下吧 不要像我一样...


  就是more industrialized 修饰歧义那道

  答案是B 应该选有that那个 一个逗号后是 as competing companies。。。麻烦知道的同学贴出来 谢谢!

  (by vera_2010)

  50、就记得2道题目,第一道,k(反正是个东西),was inspired by chinese b(单词忘记了)that coming to...还有个是inspired by chinese b(xx) coming to.语法第一道题目,我也不是很确定,这两个徘徊了很久,选了前面一个,大家到时候自己看吧。(by yry19881103)


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