
2017-08-10 作者: 242阅读


1.1.3气味在print advertising应用*

开头despite the olfactory advertising trends。。。解释内容(好像是说olfactory 能使心情愉悦)—attention on it还是很少。来了个however,说olfactory 的效果不如visualuara(忘了怎么拼了)可以测量。还说要有特定的环境才能有效果,举例说lemon味在黄色的物品下比红色的更容易被分辨。又说在闻到味之前consumer的心情就被影响了。Neverthelessolfactory advertising还是有独特的一面的。

1. 那种olfactory 最不容易被分辨出, 狗主人选的是coffee味在wheat田里 非常肯定。 By uupigyu318


Executional cues have been the focus of much advertising research. Visual cues (pictures) and aural cues (music) have been studied extensively, yet virtually no attention has been paid to the influence of olfactory cues in advertising despite the growing trend among advertisers to use scents in ads. Scents often have been used in advertisements for products in which scent is a primary attribute (e.g., perfumes, room fresheners) and, when used in that context, are a form of sampling. However, scents have also been used for products for which scent has been considered largely irrelevant. For instance, Tanqueray gin ran a pine-scented ad in USA Today, Rolls Royce advertised its cars in Architectural Digest using leather-scented strips, and the State of Utah used floral- and spice-scented panels in a four-page tourism ad. Though such uses may be intended simply as novelties, research suggests that ordor can influence mood state and affect judgment. Therore, the use of scents in advertising warrants attention. Odors differ in several ways from the pictures and sounds more familiar to advertising researchers. Compared to visual and aural cues, odors are difficult to recognize, are relatively difficult to label, may produce false alarms and create placebo fects. Schab (1991), in a review of the literature, concluded that the ability to attach a name to a particular odor is so limited that individuals, on average, can identify only 40% to 50% of odors in a battery of common odors. Additionally, consumer ability to detect and recognize odors is influenced by surrounding cues (Davis 1981). For example, a consumer is more likely to recognize a lemon scent when the scent is contained in a yellow liquid than when it is contained in a red liquid. Third, false alarms, perceiving an odor when in reality no odor is present, are relatively common (Engen 1972). Finally, researchers have shown that both emotional and physical states can be affected just by believing an odor is present. The odorant itself need not be present (Knasko, Gilbert, and Sabini 1990). That finding suggests placebo fects. Despite the difficulties, olfactory cues hold appeal to advertisers working in an already cluttered environment. Olfactory responses are primarily autonomic, affecting a person physiologically bore affecting cognition. Odors stimulate the limbic system, the part of the brain responsible for emotional responses. Thus, olfaction represents a different path to the consumer than is afforded by other types of cues.

1.1.4服务行业和制造业 *


1980s 的服务行业和制造业之间的差别 前者利益下滑,后者上涨,然后W神马的就分析了这种区别 其中提出了一个原因是关于高科技的


讲美国的制造业在70年代的时候开始衰退的现象并且讨论了一些其他 的学者给的解释,有一道主旨题,我选了examine....就是作者重新审视和评价了以往对于美国制造业衰退所进行的那些解释(基本上作者认为那些解释 都是不正确或者不完善的)。文章一屏半不到一点


这可能 部分是因为服务业的崛起。。然后后面有一些解释。。。记得不全,一个解释是说是因为政府赤字同时利率很高然后人们把钱都拿去储蓄了而不对制造业进行投资, 但是作者反驳了这种观点 认为服务业其实需要更多的原始投资,但是在这段时间服务业正好和制造业情况相反,发展得很快(这里有题目)。。。。by liuluheng 720


GWD-TN-11 Q33~Q36,但是此文与狗主人描述的最大差异在于制造业的生产率的趋势问题(一个是上升,一个是下降),可能文章不同,anyway,希望得到确认, 并且希望对考友们有帮助(关于后面那些原因的分析很多都与狗主人描述相似)~ 发文如下: T-3-Q33-Q36

(This passage is excerpted from material published in 1997) Whereas United States

economic productivity grew at an annual rate of 3 percent from 1945 to 1965, it has grown at an annual rate of only about 1 percent since the early 1970’s. What might be preventing higher productivity growth? Clearly, the manufacturing sector of the economy cannot be blamed. Since 1980, productivity improvements in manufacturing have moved the United States from a position of acute decline in manufacturing to one of world prominence. Manufacturing, however, constitutes a relatively small proportion of the economy. In 1992, goods-producing businesses employed only 19.1 percent of American workers, whereas service-producing businesses employed 70 percent. Although the service sector has grown since the late 1970’s, its productivity growth has declined. Several explanations have been offered for this declined and for the discrepancy in productivity growth between the manufacturing and service sectors. One is that traditional measures fail to rlect service-sector productivity growth because it has been concentrated in improved quality of services. Yet traditional measures of manufacturing productivity have shown significant increases despite the under measurement of quality, whereas service productivity has continued to stagnate. Others argue that since the 1970’s, manufacturing workers, faced with strong foreign competition, have learned to work more ficiently in order to keep their jobs in the United States, but service workers, who are typically under less global competitive pressure, have not. However, the pressure on manufacturing workers in the United States to work more ficiently has generally been overstated, often for political reasons. In fact, while some manufacturing jobs have been lost due to foreign competition, many more have been lost simply because of slow growth in demand for manufactured goods.

Yet another explanation blames the federal budget dicit: if it were lower, interest rate would be lower too, thereby increasing investment in the development of new technologies, which would spur productivity growth in the service sector. There is, however, no dearth of technological resources, rather, managers in the service sector fail to take advantage of widely available skills and machines. High productivity growth levels attained by leading edge service companies indicate that service sector managers who wisely implement available technology and choose skillful workers can significantly improve their companies’ productivity. The culprits for service-sector productivity stagnation are the forces-such as corporate takeovers and unnecessary governmental regulation-that distract managers from the task of making optimal use of available resources. T-3-Q33

Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the budget dicit explanation for the discrepancy mentioned in line 27?

A.Research shows that the federal budget dicit has traditionally caused service companies to invest less money in research and development of new technologies.

B.New technologies have been shown to play a significant role in companies that have been able to increase their service productivity. C.In both service sector and manufacturing, productivity improvements are concentrated in gains in quality. D.The service sector typically requires larger investments in new technology in order to maintain productivity growth than dose manufacturing E.High interest rates tend to slow the growth of manufacturing productivity as much as they slow the growth of service-sector productivity in the United States

T-3-Q34 The passage states which of the following about the fect of foreign competition on the American manufacturing sector since the 1970’s?

A.It has often been exaggerated.

B.It has not been a direct cause of job loss.

C.It has in large part been responsible for the subsequent slowing of productivity growth.

D.It has slowed growth in the demand for manufactured goods in the United States.

E.It has been responsible for the majority of American jobs lost in manufacturing.

T-3-Q35 It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following was true of the United States manufacturing sector in the years immediately prior to 1980?

A.It was performing relatively poorly. B.It was in a position of world prominence. C.It was increasing its productivity at an annual rate of 3 percent. D.It was increasing its productivity at an annual rate of 1 percent. E.Its level of productivity was higher than afterward. T-3-Q36 The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about productivity improvements in United States service companies?

A.Such improvements would be largely attributable to ficiencies resulting from corporate takeovers. B.Such improvements would depend more on wise implementation of technology than on managers’ choice of skilled workers. C.Such improvements would be more easily accomplished if there were fewer governmental regulations of the service sector. D.Such improvements would require companies to invest heavily in the development of new technologies. E.Such improvements would be attributable primarily to companies’ facing global competitive pressure. Ans: E A A C

44.发展中国家和发达国家的service sectormanufacture industry developing countries 的service sector 和manufacture industry 可以共同发展,不像developed countries 牺牲了manufacture industry 来发展service industry, 其中强调了government 对developing countries 这种发展的positive 影响。 1. (1)主题 2. 有关PRIMARY的叙述哪项正确,我选它底子够厚足够可支持制造业的发展 V2 一篇发展中国家的第一产业。 两段:第一段说发达国家服务业提升的同时,prime industry第一产业、manufacturing industry下降。但发展中国家prime industry虽然会下降,(这个好像有个定位题)但manufacturing industry却没有。 第二段说两个原因。考点主要在这一段。第一原因。第二个原因。大意是发展中国家政府投资会带来挤出效应,但是由于发展中国家运用经济刺激政策,所以manufacturing industry会上升。同时,prime industry的基础足够大,所以也会使得manufacturing industry上升。(700+) 考古(未确认)

说经济的三大部门(sector) 中,服务业正在崛起,而农业和工业的情况正在下降,发达国家都是这样的,原因是消费者有钱以后的花费增大了,而消费者的消费偏好越来越向第三产业靠拢。第二段讲发展中国家不是这样的,它们三大部门都在增长,虽然服务业发展最快。以印度和巴基斯坦为例(居然没有提到中国,哼!),服务业发展最快,但农业和工 业的发展只是相对慢,而实际并不减慢。作者最后提出了自己的解释:是政府的投资导致了工业和农业的发展速度没有减慢。稳步增长。

发展中国家服务业" 与DEVELOPED COUNTRY不同,DEVELOPING COUNTRY 的制造业和服务业可同时增长。虽然这些南亚国家的PRIMARY部分(如农业)有所DECLINE,但其基础足够大,能够满足制造业发展所需的原材料要求。 G题目不难,问(1)主题(2)有关PRIMARY的叙述哪项正确,我选它底子够厚足够可支持制造业的发展(3)忘了




1.1.3气味在print advertising应用*

开头despite the olfactory advertising trends。。。解释内容(好像是说olfactory 能使心情愉悦)—attention on it还是很少。来了个however,说olfactory 的效果不如visualuara(忘了怎么拼了)可以测量。还说要有特定的环境才能有效果,举例说lemon味在黄色的物品下比红色的更容易被分辨。又说在闻到味之前consumer的心情就被影响了。Neverthelessolfactory advertising还是有独特的一面的。

1. 那种olfactory 最不容易被分辨出, 狗主人选的是coffee味在wheat田里 非常肯定。 By uupigyu318


Executional cues have been the focus of much advertising research. Visual cues (pictures) and aural cues (music) have been studied extensively, yet virtually no attention has been paid to the influence of olfactory cues in advertising despite the growing trend among advertisers to use scents in ads. Scents often have been used in advertisements for products in which scent is a primary attribute (e.g., perfumes, room fresheners) and, when used in that context, are a form of sampling. However, scents have also been used for products for which scent has been considered largely irrelevant. For instance, Tanqueray gin ran a pine-scented ad in USA Today, Rolls Royce advertised its cars in Architectural Digest using leather-scented strips, and the State of Utah used floral- and spice-scented panels in a four-page tourism ad. Though such uses may be intended simply as novelties, research suggests that ordor can influence mood state and affect judgment. Therore, the use of scents in advertising warrants attention. Odors differ in several ways from the pictures and sounds more familiar to advertising researchers. Compared to visual and aural cues, odors are difficult to recognize, are relatively difficult to label, may produce false alarms and create placebo fects. Schab (1991), in a review of the literature, concluded that the ability to attach a name to a particular odor is so limited that individuals, on average, can identify only 40% to 50% of odors in a battery of common odors. Additionally, consumer ability to detect and recognize odors is influenced by surrounding cues (Davis 1981). For example, a consumer is more likely to recognize a lemon scent when the scent is contained in a yellow liquid than when it is contained in a red liquid. Third, false alarms, perceiving an odor when in reality no odor is present, are relatively common (Engen 1972). Finally, researchers have shown that both emotional and physical states can be affected just by believing an odor is present. The odorant itself need not be present (Knasko, Gilbert, and Sabini 1990). That finding suggests placebo fects. Despite the difficulties, olfactory cues hold appeal to advertisers working in an already cluttered environment. Olfactory responses are primarily autonomic, affecting a person physiologically bore affecting cognition. Odors stimulate the limbic system, the part of the brain responsible for emotional responses. Thus, olfaction represents a different path to the consumer than is afforded by other types of cues. 上123下




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