
2017-08-10 作者: 292阅读



41. The government don’t have the responsibility but the business and organizations themselves have the responsibility for establishing and enforcing the regulations. 大意就是这样,楼主想原文表述但是没那个能力。大家凑合看,意思就是政府没有责任,而是公司自己有责任制定并监督regulation的实施


“Governments should not be responsible for regulating businesses and other organizations. Instead, society would benit if the organizations themselves assumed responsibility for establishing and enforcing their own standards and regulations.”


1. Admittedly, the goveronment should not regulate the business or other organizations too much. Too much supervision will harm the development of the business or an organization.

2. Let the business alone to regulate itself will also cause problems. The ultimate goal of the business is to gain benit, therore all the activities will serve this pivotal goal even at the expense of the social benit.

3. The ideal combination can be the midst.


1. too much interference from the government would undoubtedly impede the development of businesses and organizations. 1, 政府干涉过多可能或扼杀企业的积极性positivity. 显然如果没有自主决定the power of independently making decisions, 那么eventually, lead to the less active economy. 2, 政府过度的exorbitant干涉可能会打乱市场发展的自然规律disturb the natural order of the market. 比如regulation on the type of product 可能市场上的excessive demand or supply.

2. 但是也不是说政府should assume no necessary supervision over the business. 首先, 毕竟,企业的一切行为都是为了利益最大化. 缺乏管理,很可能产生很多negative results.政府有义务确保keep the national market in healthy condition. 如果缺乏suitable regulation, 有可能会出现恶性的竞争inordinate competition. 又比如Enron cheat on the financial condition. 第二, 政府有时要帮助企业度过recession.依靠企业自身的力量, 可能不能overcome the huge destroy of the recession.

3. 要有适当的regulation, 同时adequate freedom. 才能健康地发展.

View1: if organizations are allowed to establish their own regulations, the enforcement of regulations will be enhanced and the governmental burden of organizations will be released.

View2: however, the lack of authoritative and uniform regulations will ultimately do harm to both organizations and entire society.

Evidence: disturb of market order, monopoly, unfair competition.

To society: Unqualified products, high prices, environmental pollution, waste of resources

Do harm to international trade because the lack of uniform standards and the assurance of credit.

42. 本月2

V1.since fossile fuel vailed and limited, international agreement 要 reduce fuel ...... 问你同意还是不同意

v2.Fossil fuel resources: For the Fossil fuel resources is XXX and limited, 有必要制定一个针对所有国家的 international agreement,来限制各个国家对fossil fuel的依赖。(最后小半句不太确定,请其它CDer补充)


要不要adopt一个international agreement on reducing the dependence on fossil fuel resources。

[V2] The fossil energy are vital and limited. International agreement should be adopted for all countries to decrease the dependence on the fossil energy

[V3] fossil fuel resources are vital and limited, international agreements should be adopted that would require all the nations reduce the use of fossil fuel.



1、首先,虽然不愿意,但仍然要承认,自私几乎是天性。self consideration优先。在没有广泛的行动时,每一个国家都不愿意在自己作出牺牲的同时,其他国家没有行动。这样不公平,也不可能达到。这时,领导的作用很重要。安排各国家工作,协调各国家活动。有一个行动的指导作用。function as the leader of the group.

2、而且,保护资源是全球的问题,指望单个国家作出牺牲是不够的。因为在全球化经济发展下,资源几乎是全球运转的。比如,美国会向中国进口木材等原料。所以需要合作。大的跨国公司在其中扮演重要的角色。比如,开发非洲的,有很多是欧洲的公司,跨国公司的举动会影响到很多国家的经济政策。nuclear weapons proliferation

by the same token, the problem of energy conservation transcends the national borders in that either all nations must cooperate, or all will suffer.

3、当然,这样是不够的,必须由各个国家充分地发挥主动的作用take positive action。因为资源是全人类的,每个国家都有责任并且都有必要。只有将统一领导与各国的积极性作用一起结合,才是最fective的方法。

Optional words:

Sacrifice/ expense/ offering/ cost

Conserve/ protect/ guard/ keep/ maintain

Thesis sentence:

To conserve the energy resources is a worldwide project, however, individual nations have been take the responsibilities of energy conservation initiatively without international leadership.


International leadership and worldwide cooperation play important roles in the protection of energy resources.

Evidence: OPEC is one of the best examples. OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, is an international organization of eleven developing countries that are heavily reliant on oil revenues as their main source of income. Since oil revenues are so vital for the economic development of these nations, they aim to bring stability and harmony to the oil market by adjusting their oil output to help ensure a balance between supply and demand. In the long run, the stabilized out-put help to cease the problem of over-rining and over utilization of oil energy.


It is not idealistic to expect the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy independently. Factors other than international leadership and world wide cooperation have driven individual nations to conserve energy. These countries conserve energy purely for their own benit in the future.


Most nations in Europe have developed and used automobiles that are highly energy ficient.

Japan is a country naturally with nearly no energy resources, so it make great fort to conserve energy for future generations. An famous case is that Japan once brought crude oil from other countries and buried it under the sea .






41. The government don’t have the responsibility but the business and organizations themselves have the responsibility for establishing and enforcing the regulations. 大意就是这样,楼主想原文表述但是没那个能力。大家凑合看,意思就是政府没有责任,而是公司自己有责任制定并监督regulation的实施


“Governments should not be responsible for regulating businesses and other organizations. Instead, society would benit if the organizations themselves assumed responsibility for establishing and enforcing their own standards and regulations.”

“政府不应该对规范企业和其他组织负责。相反,如果组织自身承担建立和执行他们自己的标准和规范的责任,那么社会会得利。” 上123456789下




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