2017-08-10 65阅读
第二段:登月以后发现这三种说法都不对。分别给出理由。注意,这里基本上是一对多的反驳,即一个证据同时反对多个理论。 首先否定fission,因为如果是fission,那么地月系统转的速度都要比现在快,spin quickly,好像还有一个是可能会有多个月亮。而且,如果是capture的话,速度肯定又要慢得多。然后提出一个证据,说月球上的volatile mental(*** material),比如zinc, lead的含量比地球少很多。因此否定了fission和concurrence。最后提出一个证据,说是月球的core size很小,月球的铁内核(iron)应该跟地球相似,所以应该比现在的更大。因此不可能是独立的小星星,也不可能是concurrence的,否定了capture和concurrence。(第二段是批判地很乱,建议在草稿纸上列表,题目集中在第二段!有人考到了第二和第三个理论的批判)
第三段:提出新理论:collision。说月球是地球和行星级天体碰撞产生的,这个假说可以一段的所有问题,易挥发金属少是因为擦肩而过时的温度使得这些金属灰发了。对于core的问题,解释为:地球和那个物体侧面擦肩的(强调是有角度的撞击),而不是正面的撞击(not head to head) ,所以星体的速度变慢了。作者认为这个理论正确。
第一段:有关月球的成因科学家们有三派观点。1)月球是和地球同时形成的 2)月球本是宇宙中游走的天体,被地球俘获。3)月球是地球飞出去的一部分慢慢形成的。
第二段:这三派观点都有说不通的地方让科学家很纠结。1)如果月球是和地球同时形成的,它应该具有和地球类似的组成。但是发现月球表面锌还有别的一个金属的含量很低(不确定高低) 2)如果月球是被地球俘获的话,那地球和月球现在的转动应该更快(不确定高低)3)如果月球是从地球飞出去的部分,他的crater似乎太薄。(MD这些太细了,大家看了别上心,有细节题)
1. 文章的结构是哪个?
2. 问主旨
3. 如果俘获论是正确的话,月球对地球而应该体现出什么样的特性。
我选了好像是spin faster 还是slower 大家做的时候自己关注
4. 下面哪个选项作者用来反驳concurrence
我选的是 The core size of the moon/我好像选了CORN SIZE/由月亮的size/我选的是moon&aposs real core size is larger than expected
有个干扰项,The fact that XXX material exist in moon. (该选项并没有说material量多还是少)
5. If which of the following is true, it will support the fission theory?
我选的是moon中的lead, zinc什么的比预想中的多。/答案应该是material这项。
6. 如果月球和地球的XXX material差不多,那么支持哪两个理论?
Fission & concurrence
7. 我记得第一道题是我绕了半天,最后才搞明白是问这三个假说中,有哪两个会使得月球的结构和地球差不多(大概这么意思)
8. 有问题问第三段的作用。
9. 大家注意仔细看第二段,比较混乱。分别有3个题,都是细节题针对三种理论。
答案应该是:1,月亮与地球spin的关系看出理论1不成立 2,由月亮的core的构成可以判断理论2。3,由月亮的size
10. 一下哪个点成立可以削弱the objection to the 3者之一的一个理论
11. 如果这个假设成立的话月球会是什么样子
During the last two centuries, astronomers developed three different hypotheses for the origin of Earth’s moon, but these traditional ideas have failed to survive comparison with the evidence. A relatively new theory proposed in the 1970s may hold the answer. You can begin by testing the three unsuccessful theories against the evidence to see why they failed.
The first of the three traditional theories, the fission hypothesis, supposes that the moon formed by the fission of Earth. If the young Earth spun fast enough, tides raised by the sun might break into two parts. If this separation occurred after Earth differentiated, the moon would have formed from crust material, which would explain the moon’s low density. But the fission theory has problems. No one knows why the young Earth should have spun so fast, nearly ten times faster than today, nor where all that angular momentum went after the fission. In addition, the moon’s orbit is not in the plane of Earth’s equator, as it would be if it had formed by fission.
The second traditional theory is the condensation (or double-planet) hypothesis. It supposes that Earth and the moon condensed as a double planet from the same cloud of material. However, if they formed form the same material, they should have the same chemical composition and density, which they don’t. The moon is very poor in certain heavy elements like iron and titanium, and in volatiles such as water vapor and sodium. Yet the moon contains almost exactly the same rations of oxygen isotopes as does Earth’s mantle. The condensation theory cannot explain these compositional differences.
The third theory is the capture hypothesis. It supposes that the moon formed somewhere else and was later captured by Earth. If the moon formed inside the orbit of Mercury, the heat would have prevented the condensation of solid metallic grains, and only high-melting-point metal oxides could have solidified. According to the theory, a later encounter with Mercury could have “kicked” the moon out to Earth. The capture theory was never popular because it requires highly unlikely events involving interactions with Mercury and Earth to move the moon from place to place. Scientists are always suspicious of explanations that require a chain of unlikely coincidences. Also, on encountering Earth, the moon would have been moving so rapidly that Earth’s gravity would have unable to capture it without ripping the moon to fragments through tidal forces.
第二段:登月以后发现这三种说法都不对。分别给出理由。注意,这里基本上是一对多的反驳,即一个证据同时反对多个理论。 首先否定fission,因为如果是fission,那么地月系统转的速度都要比现在快,spin quickly,好像还有一个是可能会有多个月亮。而且,如果是capture的话,速度肯定又要慢得多。然后提出一个证据,说月球上的volatile mental(*** material),比如zinc, lead的含量比地球少很多。因此否定了fission和concurrence。最后提出一个证据,说是月球的core size很小,月球的铁内核(iron)应该跟地球相似,所以应该比现在的更大。因此不可能是独立的小星星,也不可能是concurrence的,否定了capture和concurrence。(第二段是批判地很乱,建议在草稿纸上列表,题目集中在第二段!有人考到了第二和第三个理论的批判)
第三段:提出新理论:collision。说月球是地球和行星级天体碰撞产生的,这个假说可以一段的所有问题,易挥发金属少是因为擦肩而过时的温度使得这些金属灰发了。对于core的问题,解释为:地球和那个物体侧面擦肩的(强调是有角度的撞击),而不是正面的撞击(not head to head) ,所以星体的速度变慢了。作者认为这个理论正确。 上123456下
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