
2017-08-10 作者: 251阅读


(7)本月机经6 上月机经:7

No.53 The following editorial appeared in the Elm City paper. “The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak City Park. Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in Elm City.”

“The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak City Park. Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in Elm City. (52)(两个版本,此为较新版本)

53. Elm城的报纸上的社论: 去年在橡树城市中心修建购物中心是个错误。由于中心开业,大量的本地企业倒闭了。而且市中心受到严重缺乏停车位的困扰。在附近的橡树城公园拘捕的罪犯和流浪汉也增加了。榆树城应该注意橡树城购物中心的例子并防止在榆树城建立购物中心。


1. 作者所给出的所有问题和商场的建设都是时间上的前后关系而没有给出证据显示他们的因果关系

2. 作者只给出了不好的结果而没有给出好的影响很可能权衡利弊之后被选择的是要开这个商场

3. 这个商场的建立不应该也不能由此就否定以后所有的商场的建立

1, To begin with, the author fails to establish the causal relationship between the shopping mall&aposs opening and the closing of local businesses.

2, Moreover, the author&aposs conclusion is also based on the assumption that the shopping mall has caused the increase in crime and vagrancy.

3, Finally, even if the shopping mall did cause the closing of local business and the increasing crime and vagrancy in Oak City, the author&aposs prediction that Elm City will suffer from the same fate as Oak City is still open to doubt.


(此文根据老题写作)In this editorial the author rebukes Oak City for allowing the construction of a new downtown shopping mall. Citing a number of problems that have occurred since the building of the mail, the author concludes that the residents of Oak City have not benited from the mail and that Oak City exercised poor judgment in allowing the mail to be built. Among the problems cited by the author are the closure of local businesses, lack of parking in the downtown area, and increased trash and litter in a city park near the mall. Moreover, the author argues that profits derived from sales are not beniting Oak City because the owner of the mall lives in another city. The author’s argument is problematic in several respects.

In the first place, the author assumes that addition of the new mall is the cause of the various problems cited. The only evidence offered to support this claim is that the construction of the mall occurred bore these problems manifested themselves. However, this evidence is insufficient to establish the claim in question. A chronological relationship is only one of the indicators of a causal relationship between two events.

In the second place, the author has focused only on negative fects the mall has had on the city. A more detailed analysis of the situation might reveal that the positive benits for the city far outweigh the problems on which the author focuses. For example, new jobs might have been created for the residents of Oak City, and tax revenues might have been increased for the city. Lacking a more comprehensive analysis of the impact of the mail on Oak City, it is presumptuous on the part of the author to conclude that Oak City’s decision to allow the mall to be built was incorrect.

In conclusion, the author’s argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument the author would have to demonstrate that the construction of the mall caused the various problems mentioned. The author would also have to show that the negative fects of the project outweighed the positive fects.

(8)本月机经4 上月机经:6

V1.说和办公室稳定工作比起来,self-employed and work at home earn less in long run。理由有三个:一个是在家会有distractions from phone calls, noisy neighbors and household chords;另外一个是self-employed的人with no set schedule,因此会avoid working,有另外一个单词不懂,哼唧~,大概就是说工作起来就不主动吧;第三个是说会socially and professionally isolated,因此会丧失很多其他工作机会。

V2. 在家工作不好 不finacially 而且既不能获得professional的信息 也不利于创新 会被社会淘汰,所以还是不要在家工作了

v1讲工作在家不如在办公室好, unwise for people to quit office job to become self-employed and work from home. is financially unwise for people working at home。Author给了三点理由,第一,家里各种noisy neighbor, telephone call什么的会打扰到你;第二,在家里工作的人没有schedule;第三,在家会socially &professionally isolated,所以不能career advancement。Therore,作者总结,对long-tern 在家工作earning less money than在办公室工作。



第一, 无理假设,no evidence is stated in the argument so support that在家工作的人没schedule和会有很多distraction打扰到你。

第二, 忽略他因,作者没有考虑到career advancement的其他原因,只说员工如果不professional的话,那就没有career advancement。

第三, 没有全面考虑有关earning的多个方面,即使在office工作可能收入会高一些,但是员工的成本也高啦,比如transportation fee。


提供观点:因为—— (1)在家里工作的人比较懒散,没有set schedule,所以会干…,会avoid working (2)在家工作的人因为socially & professionally isolated,没法借出最新的information,所以career advancement少 (3)在家里工作会有很多distraction:noisy neighbor, household chores, telephone calls。 总结就是在家里的话,赚钱会比在办公室里面工作少

这道题貌似在OG中无对应题目,JJ如下: 1、 讲工作在家不如在办公室好,因为在家的人比较懒散,不会有计划工作,所以也就不会有更多机会晋升,再所以说,在办公室工作赚钱比在家的更多。(大概就这个意思) [v2] 在办公室工作比在家里工作要赚的钱多。【差不多啦,就是什么financial什么的】 给了三个理由 (1)在家里工作的人没有set schedule,所以就会干嘛(那个词不认识,反正就是类似不好好工作吧),会avoid working (2)在家工作的人因为socially &professionally isolated,所以career advancement少 (3)在家里工作会有很多distraction:什么邻居啊,还有household chores 还有一个什么的。 总结就是在家里的话,赚钱会比在办公室里面工作少。 [v3] 就是在办公室工作和在家工作比较:从经济角度考虑放弃在办公室工作而在家工作室不明智的,因为在家工作有很多东西让你分心,eg telephone call, noisy neighbour...而且在家工作会使人isolated么办法接触最新的information. 最后会导致收入么在办公室收入高。


1.这个有些人比较适合一个人在家里工作,有些人不习惯communication, 比如说很多的电脑天才都喜欢自己一个人研究, 睡到自然醒,反而必须的schedue 不符合他们的工作。 2.在家里工作的话会省掉很多办公室的utility expense以下澳际留学为备考GMAT的同学整理gmat机经,以下2011年6月gmat作文机经,AA篇,共39题,时间从2011年6月3日至2011年6月17日。澳际留学祝大家GMAT考试顺利!

(7)本月机经6 上月机经:7

No.53 The following editorial appeared in the Elm City paper. “The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak City Park. Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in Elm City.”

“The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak City Park. Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in Elm City. (52)(两个版本,此为较新版本)

53. Elm城的报纸上的社论: 去年在橡树城市中心修建购物中心是个错误。由于中心开业,大量的本地企业倒闭了。而且市中心受到严重缺乏停车位的困扰。在附近的橡树城公园拘捕的罪犯和流浪汉也增加了。榆树城应该注意橡树城购物中心的例子并防止在榆树城建立购物中心。 上1234567下




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