
2017-08-10 作者: 194阅读

  以下澳际留学为大家发布更新2011年gmat机经,以下2011年7月gmat语法机经,时间从2011年7月5日至2011年7月18日,共46题。澳际留学祝同学们考试顺利!更新至7.26,共101题 gmat机经,2011年7月gmat语法机经(至7.26)(一)

3.【苏小澈 (Q49,V32,680)】


4.【lesezhen 740,M50,V40】

36)我定位在选项A和C上,A 是说nothing is 。。。。more than 。。。。;C是说nothing more than。。。。is。。。,我选的C

5.【有竹无心 700+ M51V34】

37)........., experiences affect human being&aposs prerences and value, 后面忘记了。 A: on a whole B: as much as C: as such D: inasmuch as E: on the whole

【考古】 As much as, ------------------ 选项有 A. as much as B. as a whole C. In as much as D. As such E. On a whole


【白勇语法第二章 as用法】:

inasmuch as:既然,由于,因为;连词


Legend has it that when the Mohawk Joseph Brant was presented to George III in 1776, he proudly rused to kiss the King’s hand, inasmuch as he considered himself an ally, not a subject.

【OG12-59的解释】: “In that” is a conjunction that means “inasmuch as”

类似的一个insofar as:在…..的范围内

As such

其他材料上介绍As such这个词组使用时要求such有先行词

Example 1 (correct): She is the board president. As such, she is responsible for scheduling the meetings. Explanation: Here, the antecedent of such is president. It can replace such: She is the board president. As president, she is responsible for scheduling the meetings. Example 2 (incorrect): Congress intended to provide an exhaustive list of examples, and it did not mention websites. As such, the statute does not cover websites. Explanation: Such has no antecedent here; it cannot be replaced with list or any other word in the first sentence. The writer of example 2 incorrectly used as such as a generic transitional phrase. The word therore would be a better choice.

此外,as such作副词短语的用法语法书上称为rare

此题选项位于句首且有逗号,应选择副词性质的选项,字典里没有on a whole,只有on the whole与as a whole


As a whole

Used to say that all the parts of something are being considered together:

Ø This project will be of great benit to the region as a whole.

On the whole

Used to say that something is generally true:

Ø On the whole, I thought the film was pretty good

【V2】我考试碰到那道题了 原题大概是考such... that句型 inasmuch as那个我记得是错的选项是: A such...that B such...that C such...inasmuch as D such...so that E such... so that 所以直接AB里面选了

38)什么记者have call for............is likely to be the winner of 选举。 好像应该选fewer polling, less prediction什么的。


  以上澳际留学为大家整理2011gmat机经,以上2011年7月gmat语法机经,2011年7月5日至2011年7月18日,共46题,祝大家考试顺利!更新至7.26,共101题 gmat机经,2011年7月gmat语法机经(至7.26)(一)


  以下澳际留学为大家发布更新2011年gmat机经,以下2011年7月gmat语法机经,时间从2011年7月5日至2011年7月18日,共46题。澳际留学祝同学们考试顺利!更新至7.26,共101题 gmat机经,2011年7月gmat语法机经(至7.26)(一)

3.【苏小澈 (Q49,V32,680)】


4.【lesezhen 740,M50,V40】

36)我定位在选项A和C上,A 是说nothing is 。。。。more than 。。。。;C是说nothing more than。。。。is。。。,我选的C

5.【有竹无心 700+ M51V34】

37)........., experiences affect human being&aposs prerences and value, 后面忘记了。 A: on a whole B: as much as C: as such D: inasmuch as E: on the whole

【考古】 As much as, ------------------ 选项有 A. as much as B. as a whole C. In as much as D. As such E. On a whole


【白勇语法第二章 as用法】:

inasmuch as:既然,由于,因为;连词


Legend has it that when the Mohawk Joseph Brant was presented to George III in 1776, he proudly rused to kiss the King’s hand, inasmuch as he considered himself an ally, not a subject.

【OG12-59的解释】: “In that” is a conjunction that means “inasmuch as”

类似的一个insofar as:在…..的范围内





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