
2017-08-10 作者: 33阅读




V1. 有很多MEDIA:电视、radio、报纸、internet,但是最主要的还是报纸

V2. 虽然有电视收音机网络各种媒介看新闻,但是报纸依然是最重要的新闻形式

V4. 一个是现在人们可以从电视。报纸。网络。几个地方看到新闻。但是报纸仍然是最重要的 V5. in the contemporary world, people receive news from various media sources, including video, radio, newspaper, internet, among which, newspaper is the most important. In contemporary days, people have a wide selection to get information, such as television, radio, and internet. Although these media have their merits, the newspaper is still the most important media in our life. There are many sources to get news today, such as newspaper, internet, radio. The newspaper is the most important one.




2、但报纸现在恐怕不是最重要的source of news了。Internet、mobile phone作为新闻的来源很可能已经超过了newspaper,它们方便、更新及时,而报纸顶多日刊,can’t provide latest news



2.学校的主要功能在于学术教育,而不是to teach ethical and social values


23. “Schools should be responsible only for teaching academic skills and not for teaching ethical and social values.”

The speaker asserts that schools should teach only academic skills, and not ethical or social values. I agree with the speaker insofar as instruction on certain moral issues is best lt to parents and churches. However, in my view it is in the best interests of a democratic society for schools to teach at least the values necessary to preserve freedom and a democratic way of life, and perhaps even additional values that enrich and nurture a society and its members.

We all have in interest in preserving our freedom and democratic way of life. At the very least (prep. 最低限度), then, schools should provide instruction in the ethical and social values required for our democracy to survive—particularly the values of respect and tolerance. Respect for individual persons is a basic ethical value that requires us to acknowledge the fundamental equality of all people, a tenet of a democratic society. Tolerance of differences among individuals and their viewpoints is required to actualize many of our basic constitutional rights—including life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and freedom of speech and religion.

While respect and tolerance are the minimal values that schools should teach, the list should ideally go further—to include caring, compassion, and willingness to help one another. A democracy might survive without these values, but it would not thrive. Respect and tolerance without compassion, it seems to me, breed a cool aloofness that undermines our humanity, and leaves those in the worst position to suffer more and suffer alone—an unhealthy state for any society.

Admittedly, schools should avoid advocating particular viewpoints on controversial moral issues such as abortion or capital punishment. Instruction on issues with clear spiritual or religious implications is best lt to parents and churches. Even so, schools should teach students how to approach these kinds of issues—by helping students to recognize their complexity and to clarify competing points of view. In doing so, schools can help breed citizens who approach controversy in the rational and responsible ways characteristic of a healthy democracy.

In sum, schools should by all means rrain from indoctrinating our young people with particular viewpoint on controversial questions of morality. However, it is in a democratic society’s interest for schools to inculcate the democratic values of respect and tolerance, and perhaps even additional values that humanize and enrich a society.






V1. 有很多MEDIA:电视、radio、报纸、internet,但是最主要的还是报纸

V2. 虽然有电视收音机网络各种媒介看新闻,但是报纸依然是最重要的新闻形式

V4. 一个是现在人们可以从电视。报纸。网络。几个地方看到新闻。但是报纸仍然是最重要的 V5. in the contemporary world, people receive news from various media sources, including video, radio, newspaper, internet, among which, newspaper is the most important. In contemporary days, people have a wide selection to get information, such as television, radio, and internet. Although these media have their merits, the newspaper is still the most important media in our life. There are many sources to get news today, such as newspaper, internet, radio. The newspaper is the most important one.




2、但报纸现在恐怕不是最重要的source of news了。Internet、mobile phone作为新闻的来源很可能已经超过了newspaper,它们方便、更新及时,而报纸顶多日刊,can’t provide latest news


4、报纸在将来很可能被淘汰,可以举一些数据例子,比如现在人们从报纸上阅读的消息占总消息量的百分之几,十年前是多少balabala 上12下




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