
2017-08-10 作者: 223阅读


  36. 本月机经2次

  一家餐厅有一个网络的提交建议的系统,这个系统的网址在很多地方都available,并且还放在菜单上(意思应该是应该有很多人都能接触到的意思)。但是根据6个月的统计,来餐厅就餐的3000(貌似是这么多)人中,只有60(还是多少,反正不多)的人提交他们的complain and suggestion。所以说明了顾客都比较满意于这个餐厅的服务质量,从而这个餐厅没有必要优化自己的schedule



  V2六个月了,the hot cup cafe has a website, containing a customer feedback page,然后customers可以submit comments. the website address is clearly printed on the each receipt, so it is not difficult for customer to access the feedback page. 然后呢,那六个月the hot cup cafe卖了300,000cups of coffees,但是customer feedback page最有179个complaints和87个suggestions(大概数字是这样的既不清楚了)。然后就说almost all the customers are satisfied with our current products and customer service department, so we don&apost have make any improvement。


  HOT CUP CAFE的CEO说他们吧网站和feedback page印在了发票上,但是在300000多顾客中,只有187人complaints76人suggestion,所以说不需要改进服务。

  V4个咖啡店在他们的网站上加了一个customer feedback page,用来做调查,并且在他们的宣传单上明确的写明了他们的网址以便客户能找到这个feedback page,在这个咖啡店卖出了300,000份咖啡中调查,发现有500+人正评价,100+给了建议。因此他们认为根本不需要这些feedback以提高他们产品的质量(原文说的是to develop the procedure)



  A Cafe build a website to allow the feed back of its customer in the past six months. The address of the site is clearly sited on the **(忘了,单词大家能认识),The site only receive 178 complaint and 33 advise,but the number of total receipts is 33,000.Conclusion:the Cafe does not need to evaluate and improve the service.

  [V2] 一个customer service department manager的report:

  从六个月前开始,有一个Cafe在每一个receipt上面都印了一个website address,是一个customer feedback page。所以每一个顾客都不难找到。到现在为止,该公司只收到一百多条complaints和不到一百条suggestions,而从有feedback page到现在该公司一共卖了三万杯coffee drink(总之是很大的一个数)。因此可以assume that顾客对这个公司的产品和服务fully satisfied,不需要改进提升之类。


  类似:The following appeared in an Avia Airlines departmental memorandum:

  “On average, 9 out of every 1,000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines last year filed a complaint about our baggage-handling procedures. This means that although some 1 percent of our passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming majority were quite satisfied with them; thus it would appear that a review of the procedures is not important to our goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia’s passengers.”(39)

  37. 本月机经2次

  一个人提了个议案,说regularly excercise的人hosipitalize cost更加低,因此为了降低healthcare insurance cost to 什么什么的50%并且balance the budget, we should provide the employees well-equiped gym.

  原题:"Research indicates that those who exercise regularly are hospitalized less than half as often as those who don’t exercise. By providing a well-equipped gym for Saluda’s municipal employees, we should be able to reduce the cost of our group health insurance coverage by approximately 50 percent and thereby achieve a balanced town budget."(106 or 108)


  1. There is no causal relationship between the development of the employees&apos health and the provision of a well-equipped gym.

  2. Therore, the reduction of the cost of group health insurance coverage expected by the author is not guaranteed.

  3. Even if the provision of the gym can cause a reduction of the cost, no one can rely on it to achieve a balanced town budget since the health incidents occur very randomly.


  In this memo Saluda’s business manager recommends that the town provide a gym for its employees as a means of balancing the town’s budget. The manager reasons that since studies show that people who exercise regularly are hospitalized less than half as often than those who don’t exercise, Saluda could save approximately 50% on the cost of its group health insurance coverage by providing its employees with a well-equipped gym. The savings on insurance would balance the town’s budget. The manager’s argument is unconvincing because it rests on several unsupported and dubious assumptions.

  First, the manager assumes that Saluda’s employees will exercise regularly if a well-equipped facility is provided for them. This assumption is questionable since the mere fact that a gym is made available for employee use is no guarantee that they will avail themselves of it at all, let alone on a regular basis.

  Second, the manager assumes that Saluda’s employees do not exercise regularly. Once again, the manager offers no support for this crucial assumption. Obviously, if all of Sauda’s employees already engage in daily exercise, the hospitalization rate will be unaffected by equipping an exercise facility and no savings will be realized on the group health insurance.

  Third, the manager assumes that there is a direct relation between the hospitalization rate for employees and the cost of their group health insurance such that a reduction in the hospitalization rate will result in a corresponding reduction in the cost of insurance. While this may turn out to be true, the manager has failed to offer any evidence for this claim.

  Finally, the manager assumes that the cost of building a well-equipped exercise facility will not negate the savings realized on the group health insurance. Until evidence has been provided to show that this is not the case, the manager’s plan is unacceptable.

  In conclusion, the business manager’s proposal to provide an exercise facility as a means of balancing Saluda’s budget is not convincing. To strengthen the argument, evidence would have to be provided for each of the assumptions listed in the previous analysis.




  36. 本月机经2次

  一家餐厅有一个网络的提交建议的系统,这个系统的网址在很多地方都available,并且还放在菜单上(意思应该是应该有很多人都能接触到的意思)。但是根据6个月的统计,来餐厅就餐的3000(貌似是这么多)人中,只有60(还是多少,反正不多)的人提交他们的complain and suggestion。所以说明了顾客都比较满意于这个餐厅的服务质量,从而这个餐厅没有必要优化自己的schedule



  V2六个月了,the hot cup cafe has a website, containing a customer feedback page,然后customers可以submit comments. the website address is clearly printed on the each receipt, so it is not difficult for customer to access the feedback page. 然后呢,那六个月the hot cup cafe卖了300,000cups of coffees,但是customer feedback page最有179个complaints和87个suggestions(大概数字是这样的既不清楚了)。然后就说almost all the customers are satisfied with our current products and customer service department, so we don&apost have make any improvement。


  HOT CUP CAFE的CEO说他们吧网站和feedback page印在了发票上,但是在300000多顾客中,只有187人complaints76人suggestion,所以说不需要改进服务。

  V4个咖啡店在他们的网站上加了一个customer feedback page,用来做调查,并且在他们的宣传单上明确的写明了他们的网址以便客户能找到这个feedback page,在这个咖啡店卖出了300,000份咖啡中调查,发现有500+人正评价,100+给了建议。因此他们认为根本不需要这些feedback以提高他们产品的质量(原文说的是to develop the procedure)





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