2017-08-10 194阅读
Q49. (by lynn2011 )灌溉需要水,而河边肿了STRIP OF TREE也要水,但是某某却说如果把树移除,灌溉的水会更少。问SUPPORT
OG 10变形:
In the arid land along the Colorado River, use of the river’s watersupply is strictly controlled: farms along the river each have a limitedallocation that they are allowed to use for irrigation. But the trees that growin narrow strips along the river’s banks also use its water. Clearly,therore, if farmers were to remove those trees, more water would be availablor crop irrigation.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens theargument?
(A) The trees along the river’s banks shelter it from the sun andwind, thereby greatly reducing the amount of water lost through evaporation. (answer)
(B) Owners of farms along the river will probably not undertake theexpense of cutting down trees along the banks unless they are granted a greaterallocation of water in return.
(C) Many of the tree species currently found along the river’sbanks are specifically adapted to growing in places where tree roots remainconstantly wet.
(D) The strip of land where trees grow along the river’s bankswould not be suitable for growing crops if the trees were removed.
(E) The distribution of water allocations for irrigation isintended to prevent farms farther upstream from using water needed by farmsfarther downstream.
Q50. (by marque )讲某种长在橡树下的植物越来越稀缺,因此价格越来越高,问削弱。 蛮简单,我选了在中国发现了大量的这种植物。
Q51. 合并至Q27
Q52. (by lihe102047960(710))还有一个题 说在卖商品的时候,如果提供很多增值服务(比如降低送货时间还是什么的 大意是这样)可以吸引更多的顾客。但是如果一个公司如果持续这样做也许会丢失一些客户,问为什么
V1.(by vincci)说 英国航空 因为为了满足一些商务舱客人需求,加了很多班次,且把飞机都换成小的了,从法兰克福也不是到哪的飞机从之前每天XX班,到现在每45分钟一班(好像是在繁忙时刻,忘了有没有说这个了)。机场觉得很烦鸭梨很大啊有木有,就限定每个航空公司每天来往AB两地的航班最多6次。说,机场基本不会成功的,求解释(这题明显感觉做过,忘记是哪里了)
我选的是,大航空公司很容易就成立几个小航空公司,继续飞- - 其它选项记不得了,我感觉是这个吧- -
V2. (by zrn2006(700)) 在England,飞机太多了。很多小飞机专门飞commerical的airline来服务那些business people。 所以空管为了缓解拥挤的情况,规定一个公司不能占用多过6个跑道。 求削弱。
答案是 这些公司很容易就能开很多小的分公司,这样就避免了这个规定的限制
Q54. (by vincci)一个卖anti-什么玩意的厂商,估计是杀虫剂类似玩意的(不影响选则),说因为有些人对这种东西过敏,所以在这个东西上市之前,需要做一个测试,看出来的喷雾多久才会消失,对人不再有影响,如果这个时间低于8小时才可以上市。然后厂商用了一种类似房子那么大的box来做试验,好像是一种wooden什么玩意做的,效果的很成功啊!说现在可以上市了,问的是assumption
我选的是,这个喷雾在喷家具上然后消失的时间 不会比 喷在在box的wooden表皮上消失的时间长
变形:GWD Q28
Regulations will not allow a pesticide that is toxic to humans to be used inside houses unless the pesticide will dissipate completely from the air within eight hours after its application.One test that pesticide manufacturers standardly use to determine how quickly anti-termite pesticides dissipate involves spraying the pesticides on the walls of room-sized plywood boxes and then timing its dissipation.
Which of the following would it be most usul to know in order to evaluate whether a dissipation time of just under eight hours on the manufacturers’ test indicates that an anti-termite pesticide that is toxic to humans obeys regulations for use in houses?
A. Whether anti-termite pesticides dissipate more slowly in furnished rooms than in plywood boxes
B. Whether people who apply anti-termite pesticide standardly wear protective equipment that prevents them from being exposed to the pesticide
C. Whether people whose house is being treated with anti-termite pesticide generally know that they should remain out of their house during the hours immediately after the pesticide’s application
D. Whether there are anti-termite pesticides that are toxic to humans that, when subjected to the manufacturers’ test, dissipate completely from the air in the boxes in well under eight hours
E. Whether anti-termite pesticides that are not toxic to humans tend to take longer to dissipate than those that are toxic
Q55. (by vincci)还有一个说 现在环境污染很严重啊 主要是家庭排除的废气和汽车排出的废气(不确定是否是废气 反正是污染这些),但是环境学家还是一再表示,最最最最最影响环境的还是汽车排出的废气,求解释
Q56. 合并至Q40
Q57. (by hubyzhao(680))一般冬天snowstorm比秋天的snow storm要厉害,但是因为snowstorm残雪砸下来砸到车或者人的事情秋天比较多,推测愿意可能是有树叶的常青树而非没有叶子的其他树砸下来的。
问加强,答案应该是 常青树的branches在冬天的snowstorm中折断的比秋天snowstorm要多。
选项我选的是 秋天的树枝比冬天的更容易断还是掉来着。
某地的冬天下的雪比秋天下的大 但是 秋天大家报被树枝不堪雪的重负而砍坏车子的情况比冬天多
有人就推论 有树叶比光着树枝就更容易积雪
support 题.某个地方他们那里冬天的将雪量比秋天要大,然而秋天因为树枝被雪压断造成的汽车房屋伤害却比冬天的多。有人说是因为秋天的数上有叶子,比较容易积雪,所以比较容易折断。选一下哪一个支持这个观点:我选的是有一种常青树(evergreen tree),它的树枝折断所造成的损伤在秋天和冬天数量基本
一个城市冬天遇到的暴风雪比秋天多很多,但秋天时更多的树枝因为下雪而折断,对停在树下的汽车造成损害。所以有人推测说是因为秋天的树枝上有树叶,能积累更多的雪所以更容易折断。问加强结论,我选的是冬天的雪通常比秋天的雪在树枝上停留更长时间. 760
Q58. 合并至Q47
Q59. (by bfsuwuxinyi(740))一个公园里面有一条河(这里我们叫它A河好了),近段时间公园里面出现了一种害虫(我们叫它B吧~)。一个调查发现,在所有从公园里被ranger们捕到的这种害虫中,有85%都是在A河周围捕到的。于是得出结论:如果能够有效控制A河周围的B害虫数量,那么整个公园B这种害虫的数量就可以得到有效控制。 问哪个选项削弱文章。
V1.(by mei900219(700)) 一个国家呢,有很多人爱抽烟。于是呢,国家因此付出的医疗费用就很高。于是有人提议说来个禁烟运动。可是某个研究表明,戒烟的人会发胖,而发胖也会导致好多其他的病,所以呢禁烟也不会降低医疗费用的支出。问削弱。
楼主选的是:很多人得病 是因为吸了二手烟。。。
V2. (by citydancer) 还有一题吸烟的。就是一个政府为了控制抽烟人群引起的health insurance的cost,就控制人们戒烟,但是发现人一戒烟就会引起肥胖。肥胖导致的health insurance cost更高。所以就不应该鼓励人们戒烟。 问削弱。 有一个是,有很多人是因为二手烟而生病的。还有一个是吸烟还会导致很多其他疾病。我选了这个。
只记得一个smoke的抽烟造成的health cost 让政府决定宣传戒烟。但是戒烟后的人都会发胖(导致胖病 = =),也会increase health cost,所以宣传戒烟也不会降低healthcost.
我选的是很大一部分health cost是人们吸二手烟导致的
是讲政府发现吸烟导致了人们生病从而导致医疗费用的增加,所以政府出台政策说明的提倡戒烟,而调查发现戒烟的人食欲增加,导致了肥胖问题,而肥胖会导 致更多的疾病,从而使政府的提倡吸烟计划无效,问削弱,我选的好像是 有很多的人因为吸2手烟生病, 不记得不是不是这个题目的答案了
某政府机构发先抽烟会导至整体健康成本提高,故提倡戒烟,但经调查发现,那些成功戒烟者却开始出现肥胖迹象。而肥胖比起抽烟所导致的健康成本更高,故政府推行戒烟无法降低件健康成本。问weaken? 选了 health cost中有很多是花在抽二手烟的人中,因为目的是save cost嘛
Q49. (by lynn2011 )灌溉需要水,而河边肿了STRIP OF TREE也要水,但是某某却说如果把树移除,灌溉的水会更少。问SUPPORT
OG 10变形:
In the arid land along the Colorado River, use of the river’s watersupply is strictly controlled: farms along the river each have a limitedallocation that they are allowed to use for irrigation. But the trees that growin narrow strips along the river’s banks also use its water. Clearly,therore, if farmers were to remove those trees, more water would be availablor crop irrigation.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens theargument?
(A) The trees along the river’s banks shelter it from the sun andwind, thereby greatly reducing the amount of water lost through evaporation. (answer)
(B) Owners of farms along the river will probably not undertake theexpense of cutting down trees along the banks unless they are granted a greaterallocation of water in return.
(C) Many of the tree species currently found along the river’sbanks are specifically adapted to growing in places where tree roots remainconstantly wet.
(D) The strip of land where trees grow along the river’s bankswould not be suitable for growing crops if the trees were removed.
(E) The distribution of water allocations for irrigation isintended to prevent farms farther upstream from using water needed by farmsfarther downstream.
Q50. (by marque )讲某种长在橡树下的植物越来越稀缺,因此价格越来越高,问削弱。 蛮简单,我选了在中国发现了大量的这种植物。
Q51. 合并至Q27
Q52. (by lihe102047960(710))还有一个题 说在卖商品的时候,如果提供很多增值服务(比如降低送货时间还是什么的 大意是这样)可以吸引更多的顾客。但是如果一个公司如果持续这样做也许会丢失一些客户,问为什么
V1.(by vincci)说 英国航空 因为为了满足一些商务舱客人需求,加了很多班次,且把飞机都换成小的了,从法兰克福也不是到哪的飞机从之前每天XX班,到现在每45分钟一班(好像是在繁忙时刻,忘了有没有说这个了)。机场觉得很烦鸭梨很大啊有木有,就限定每个航空公司每天来往AB两地的航班最多6次。说,机场基本不会成功的,求解释(这题明显感觉做过,忘记是哪里了)
我选的是,大航空公司很容易就成立几个小航空公司,继续飞- - 其它选项记不得了,我感觉是这个吧- -
V2. (by zrn2006(700)) 在England,飞机太多了。很多小飞机专门飞commerical的airline来服务那些business people。 所以空管为了缓解拥挤的情况,规定一个公司不能占用多过6个跑道。 求削弱。
答案是 这些公司很容易就能开很多小的分公司,这样就避免了这个规定的限制
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