2017-08-10 60阅读
1. 在我考试中划长线的题目不多,GWD和PREP那种常规类型的题目遇到挺多的还考到了一道GWD原题,不过现在实在回忆不起来。总结一下,语法考到了主谓,平行一致,not only…but also… ,aim to和aim at。不像上月机经说的语法那么变态。
2. Lolipoptcy 710
语法 根据我的感觉,这次语法整体比上月简单,虽然也有冒号,分号,破折号出现,但都是很容易判断的问题,比上月JJ里的简单多了(因此当发现换库时也不太紧张,做了几题很快上手) 考了平行结构主谓一致这些经典题,基本控制1分钟一道
3. 语法很长很绕,全部都是要理解的,基本上就碰到一题考平行的,LZ从不背单词好多词儿都不认识……
5. Gaochao1015 (720)
Research has shown that when speaking, individuals who have been blind from birth and have thus never seen anyone gesture nonetheless make hand motions just as frequently and in the same way as sighted people do, and that they will gesture even when conversing with another blind person.
(A) have thus never seen anyone gesture nonetheless make hand motions just as frequently and in the same way as sighted people do, and that
(B) have thus never seen anyone gesture but nonetheless make hand motions just as frequently and in the same way that sighted people do, and
(C) have thus never seen anyone gesture, that they nonetheless make hand motions just as frequently and in the same way as sighted people do, and
(D) thus they have never seen anyone gesture, but nonetheless they make hand motions just as
(E) thus they have never seen anyone gesture nonetheless make hand motions just as frequently and in the same way that sighted people do, and
From manhattan forum www.aoji.cn
Research has shown that L (when speaking...people do), and that M (they will gesture...).
Within "that L" there&aposs another structure. "individuals who N (have been blind) and P (have never seen) nonetheless make hand motions Q (just as frequently) and R (in the same... people do)"
So you&aposve got three pairs of "and" phrases or clauses, in which each part of the pair should be parallel.
So, L and M = pair #1, N and P = pair #2, Q and R = pair #3.
They&aposre all correctly parallel in choice A.
B breaks parallelism for L and M (no "that" bore M), as well as breaking some other rules
C breaks parallelism for L and M (no "that" bore M), as well as breaking some other rules
D breaks parallelism for N and P (individuals who N and "they" P - I shouldn&apost repeat the subject here b/c "individuals" is outside of the parallel part of the sentence)
E same as D and B/C
Other rules are broken as well in the wrong ones, but you can use this one rule, parallelism, to deal with all 4 wrong choices.
Q2: GWD32-Q5
Arctic terns, being true long-distance migrants, they nest in coastal wetlands of northern Europe but fly south for thousands of miles to spend the European winters in Antarctica.
A. Arctic terns , being true long distance migrants, they nest in coastal wetlands of northern Europe
B. Arctic terns are true long distance migrants, nesting in coastal wetlands of northern Europe
C. Being that they are true long distance migrants, arctic terns nest in coastal wetlands of northern Europe
D. Nesting in coastal wetlands of northern Europe, arctic terns are true long distant migrants
E. True long distance migrants, arctic terns nest in coastal wetlands of northern Europe
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