


2017/08/10 17:40:13 编辑: 浏览次数:198 移动端


  Q117. (by bianji90(750))说是现在8-12岁的孩纸们有个主要的问题,就是不会理财。。。然后一个网站就说这样可不好,于是他们打算在网上对这些孩纸开展一个模拟shopping的游戏(大概是这么个游戏)这样就可以吸引更多的人来关注网站了啦啦啦问assumption.. 我选的是这项活动至少能吸引一部分的孩纸去参加这个game.


  V1 (760)



  V2 (V35)


  V3 (700)

  8到12岁小孩没有对金钱的拥有容易失落,所以,有网站推处新游戏让他么用虚拟现金买东西。问assumption. 选虚拟金钱可以让他们产生满足感。

  V4 (720)




  Q120. 合并至Q48

  Q121. 合并至Q79

  Q122. 合并至Q52

  Q123. (by ouying0501)The city of Workney, in raising busfares from $1.00 to $1.25, proposed that 18 fare tokens be sold for $20.00 to alleviate the extra burden of the fare increase on the city’s low-income residents. Critics suggested alternatively that 9 fare tokens be sold for $10.00, because a $20.00 outlay would be prohibitive for low-income riders.

  The alternative proposal depends on which of the following assumptions?

  A. Low-income residents of Workney will continue to ride the buses in the same numbers despite the fare increase.

  B. Low-income riders would be more likely to take advantage of the savings afforded by the 9-token offer than would other riders.

  C. The outlay of $10.00 for the purchase of 9 fare tokens would not be prohibitive for low-income bus riders.

  D. The proposed fare increase is needed for the purchase of new buses for the city’s bus system.

  E. Buses provide the only means of public transportation in the city of Workney.


  Q124. (by ouying0501)做了个调查,调查了30000人,其中捐过款的人比没有捐过款的人要高兴,要压力。结论是捐款让人高兴。问削弱


  Q125. (by jennyicejy(710))一个说rat关在一起,就会aggressive; 但是有一种猕猴 (反正一直猴子,不认识那词)关在一个,不aggressive. 结论,猴子没有rat aggressive. 问support。 我选了 猕猴是猴子中最aggressive的。


  In 1960’s studies ofrats, scientists found that crowding increases the number of attacks among theanimals significantly. But in recentexperiments in which rhesus monkeys were placed in crowded conditions, althoughthere was an increase in instances of “coping” behavior—such as submissivegestures and avoidance of dominant individuals—attacks did not become any morrequent. Therore it is not likely that,for any species of monkey, crowding increases aggression as significantly aswas seen in rats.

  Which of the following,if true, most strengthens the argument?

  1. All the observed forms of coping behavior can be found among rhesus monkeys living in uncrowded conditions.

  2. In the studies of rats, nondominant individuals were found to increasingly avoid dominant individuals when the animals were in crowded conditions.

  3. Rhesus monkeys respond with aggression to a wider range of stimuli than any other monkeys do.

  4. Some individual monkeys in the experiment were involved in significantly more attacks than the other monkeys were.

  5. Some of the coping behavior displayed by rhesus monkeys is similar to behavior rhesus monkeys use to bring to an end an attack that has begun.


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