GMAT考试作文机经AA部分 2017年1月1日更新(二十八).

2017-08-10 作者: 147阅读


  37.v1. rizesolitia : 讲的是一些人不打算同意一个叫XX的冰激凌店的租房开店申请。原因是这个小镇冬天冷得都出了名,会影响sales,外加小 镇有一万人口但到现在只有一个叫YY的冰激凌店,外加在没有竞争的情况下,这个YY店居然还亏本了,比去年降低了百分之十的销售额,因此他们不同意把房子 租给他们开新冰激凌店。

  V2. windytian : 关于不要贷款的,是这么说的:这伙人想在F这个地方开一个卖ice cream 的outlet,就想像银行贷款。但银行说,F这个地方很冷,ice cream的销量会受到影响,就不想贷给他们。银行还说了,你看F这个town也不小,但目前只有一家叫做F 神马Cow‘s 的ice cream spot,而且去年他家的net revenue还下降了10%。悲剧。。。

  1. 纵向全等了 2. causual oversimplification


  原题:110. The following appeared as part of a memorandum from the loan department of the Frostbite National Bank.

  “We should not approve the business loan application of the local group that wants to open a franchise outlet for the Kool Kone chain of ice cream parlors. Frostbite is known for its cold winters, and cold weather can mean slow ice cream sales. For example, even though Frostbite is a town of 10,000 people, it has only one ice cream spot — the Frigid Cow. Despite the lack of competition, the Frigid Cow’s net revenues fell by 10 percent last winter.”


  * 排除他因,净收入下降的原因是什么?可能是经营不好,草率定价,甚至正因为缺乏竞争导致了这些。

  * 寒冷冬天不等于没有夏天,也不等于夏天短暂。不能说明原因。

  # Other factors in deciding whether to give loan to a company such as the credit of the company should be considered.

  # Admittedly, the former and prospective performance of the company is also important when the bank have to make decision of whether or not should it give loan to a company. However, the author of the memorandum show no sufficient evidence to support his or her proposal that the bank should not give loan to Kool Kone chain of ice cream parlors.

  # The statistics last year does not necessarily denote the future trend.


  In this memorandum the loan department of Frostbite National Bank recommends against approval of a business loan to a local group that wants to open an ice creamparlor. In support of this decision the loan department points out that Frostbite has a reputation for cold winters and sales of ice cream decrease in cold weather. This latter point is buttressed by the fact that Frostbite’s only ice cream parlor suffered a 10 percent decline in net revenues the previous winter. The loan department’s decision is questionable for the following reasons.

  To begin with, since it is reasonable to expect a decline in ice cream sales during winter months, it is difficult to assess the relevance of the fact that Frostbite has cold winters to the potential success of the Kool Kone franchise. Common sense suggests that this fact would be significant only if it turned out that Frostbite’s winter season lasted 9 or 10 months as it does in arctic regions. In that case slow sales could be expected for most of the year and the loan department’s opposition to the loan would be readily understandable. If, on the other hand, Frostbite’s winter season lasts only a few months and the remainder of the year is warm or hot, it is difficult to comprehend the loan department’s reasoning.

  Next, the loan department assumes that the Frigid Cow’s decline in net revenue last winter was a result of slow sales occasioned by cold weather. While this is a possible reason for the decline, it is not the only factor that could account for it. For example, other factors such as poor business practices or lack of inventory could be responsible for the Frigid Cow’s loss of revenue. The loan department’s failure to investigate or even consider these and other possible explanations for the Frigid Cow’s decline in revenue renders their decision highly suspect.

  In conclusion, the loan department’s decision is ill-founded. To better evaluate the decision, we would need to know more about the length and severity of Frostbite’s winter season. Moreover, evidence would have to be provided to support the assumption that the Frigid Cow’s loss of revenue last winter was a direct result of the cold weather.

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1.GMAT考试作文机经AA部分 2012年1月1日更新(二十七)



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