
2017-08-10 作者: 467阅读



  有个什么实验看什么图,实验组和对照组的区别是睡眠 deprive sleeping什么的,然后有一个组的人大脑的某个器官A开头的吧,活动会更强烈,所以砖家说这个地方管理emotion,大概这个意思吧……


  睡眠组与不睡眠组的实验对照 问题评价江火整合版

  科学家做了一个实验,有2组人:一组被剥夺睡眠,一组正常休息,过了一段时间通过看一组图片,发现不睡的那组分泌一种东西A 比正常睡眠那组多60%,A被认为与情绪控制有关。






  3、A分泌到什么程度会让控制情绪能力减弱to what extent


  剥夺睡觉的孩子看图片比正常睡觉的孩子看图片要多分泌60%的A + A与情绪管理有关è___________





  C为正确答案,因为原文提到60%,与to what extent呼应,成立


  According to a review of 61 studies of patients suffering from severely debilitating depression, a large majority of the patients reported that missing a night&aposs sleep immediately lifted their depression. Yet sleep-deprivation is not used to treat depression even though the conventional treatments, which use drugs and electric shocks, often have serious side fects.

  Which of the following, if true, best explains the fact that sleep-deprivation is not used as a treatment for depression?

  (A) For a small percentage of depressed patients, missing a night&aposs sleep induces a temporary sense of euphoria.

  (B) Keeping depressed patients awake is more difficult than keeping awake people who are not depressed.

  (C) Prolonged loss of sleep can lead to temporary impairment of judgment comparable to that induced by consuming several ounces of alcohol.

  (D) The dramatic shifts in mood connected with sleep and wakulness have not been traced to particular changes in brain chemistry.

  (E) Depression returns in full force as soon as the patient sleeps for even a few minutes.

  36. GWD25-Q36关于神秘物质A 是神马的提示

  The chemical adenosine is released by brain cells when those cells are active. Adenosine then binds to more and more sites on cells in certain areas of the brain, as the total amount released gradually increases during wakulness. During sleep, the number of sites to which adenosine is bound decreases. Some researchers have hypothesized that it is the cumulative binding of adenosine to a large number of sites that causes the onset of sleep.

  Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the researchers’ hypothesis?

  þ Even after long periods of sleep when adenosine is at its lowest concentration in the brain, the number of brain cells bound with adenosine remains very large.

  þ Caffeine, which has the fect of making people remain wakul, is known tointerfere with the binding of adenosine to sites on brain cells.

  þ Besides binding to sites in the brain, adenosine is known to be involved inbiochemical reactions throughout the body.

  þ Some areas of the brain that are relatively inactive nonetheless releasesome adenosine.

  þ Stress resulting from a dangerous situation can preserve wakulness evenwhen brain levels of bound adenosine are high


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