2017-08-10 246阅读
一个汽车公司,叫fd,要拓展国际市场,CEO说:"我们要去galxia国收购一个要破产叫futru auto的企业,因为galxia国人口在增加,并且通过把其原有的生产线换成fd自己的,等等等。。
Fleet Autos 要收购 Futura Autos。。提出了Futura Autos 在Galaxia经营的failure, 而且Galaxia的rapidly growing population 为Fleet Autos在Galaxia开拓这个空白的市场提供了customer base. Fleet Autos plan to 把Futura Autos 生产线上的社保换成新的,代替原来的same models,说这是拯救Futura Autos from bankruptcy 的唯一方法。又说Fleet Autos打算retain Futura Autos的主要work force, 只用自己的团队代替Futura Autos的市场部门和管理部门。总结说这个收购行为可以帮助Fleet Autos成为北美最大的汽车生产商。。。
一个汽车制造商的CEO发表演讲:stockholder想要本公司实现international expanse.为了实现这个目标,决定进军一个叫Galaxia的国家,因为这个国家人口持续增长,肯定带来promising customer base,因此提高利润。本公司要收购当地一家叫F的汽车制造商,并且replace它的产品with我们自己的Model,我们的model经过实践证明在我们国家非常成功,让我们公司一直处于市场前列。为了提高效率还是什么,我们要更换F原有的management and marketing team,用我们自己的有经验的代替。
10月机经 25
V1、Fleet Motor公司股东给公司的什么人写信,说应该acquire另一个F开头的Auto公司,可以帮助FM公司某个G开头的国家开拓市场。FM之前在南美市场有一款很成功的车型,在G推广也一定成功。此外,要replace FA的marketing和另一个部门的员工,换成FM最好的员工
V2、AA: A letter to the shareholders of Fleet Motors: the CEO of Fleet Motors plans to acquire Futra Autos (a falling company) in the country of Galaxia, in order to expand Fleet Motor&aposs international market and he/she believes that the rapidly increasing population in Galaxia will become future customer base of Fleet Motors. In addition, the management of Fleet Motors decides to retain the current workforce of Futra Autos and replace their management by the excellent Fleet Motor&aposs employees.
V3、In a statement issued to its shareholder issued by CEO of Fleet Motors(FM), the statement says that to meet the shareholders’ desire for international market expansion and increase in production capacity in the next decade, FM decides to buy Futura Autos (FA) in Galaxia planet, where FM currently doesn’t have any market presence. 然后说什么increase in population at Galaxia will expand the customer base for FM. FM can also save FA from bankruptcy by discontinue of its production line and manufacturing . FM also will replace the FA marketing and management team by current FM management to ensure a smooth transition.
2、攻击expand the customer base for motor: auto和motor的产品不一定匹配,面向各户群体也不同
3、攻击save auto from bankruptcy, 会做auto发动机的人不一定做的了Motor的
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