GMAT作文机经整理:Computer instruction.

2017-08-10 作者: 343阅读

  5月6日换库后,小编现在为大家开始收集整理5月的GMAT作文机经,下面这篇是关于Computer instruction一篇GMAT作文机经,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,文中观点仅供参考。


  是说有个学校自从用了computer instruction后学生的辍学率下降了而且学生还取得了许多研究成果,所以作者建议学校把预算大部分都用来购买电脑,并且要求其他别的学校也这样做。


  The following appeared as part of a newspaper editorial.

  “Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates have reported some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board should use a greater portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in the district should adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.”


  没有排除他因。很可能是学校出台的policy要求老师上课认真,学生更加勤奋导致的。同时发生不能说明因果。stricter discipline applied last year.

  还有其他的比如加入新课引起学生的兴趣等等。counseling and training programs




  The argument that the school board should buy more computers and adopt interactive computer instruction is not entirely logically convincing, since it ignores certain crucial assumptions.

  First, the argument assumes that the decline of school dropout and the achievements of last year’s graduates’ results from the adoption of interactive computer instruction. However, there are several reasons why this might not be true. For example, achievements could have been made in other subjects than the ones with interactive computer instruction. Or last years’ graduates might not have been given the interactive computer instruction. Or the decline of the rate of dropout could be attributed to stricter discipline applied last year.

  Second, even supposing the Nova High School’s decline of the dropout and last year’s graduates’ achievements benit directly from the usage of interactive computer instruction, the success of the instruction in one school may not ensure the success in other schools. If it does not suit other schools, the instruction will not work.

  Finally, even if the decline of the rate of dropout and the achievements of the last year’s graduates’ are the direct results of the interactive computer instruction, we still do not know whether the school can afford to apply the instruction on all the subjects or to all the students. If the school does not have sufficient fund and has to cut budgets on other projects such as the library, the quality of the school’s education will also compromise.

  Thus, the argument is not completely sound. The evidence in support of the conclusion that the dropout rate declined and last year’s graduates made impressive achievements does little to prove the conclusion that other schools should use a greater portion of their funds to apply the instruction since it does not address the assumptions I have already raised. Ultimately, the argument might have been strengthened by making it clear that the decline of the dropout rate and the achievements of the graduates are the direct results of interactive computer instruction, that the instruction is also applicable to other schools in the district, and that the instruction is affordable to all the schools in the district.

  以上就是关于Computer instruction的GMAT作文机经的全部内容,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,最后祝大家都能考出好成绩。

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