
2017-08-10 作者: 207阅读



  [版本1] by BASSI






  [版本2] by dianewei525 v34

  2. 這篇很長 一屏半 不過我以前歷史課有學過所以不太怕 沒有美國歷史背景的同學可能要小心看! 或是看一下這兩個wiki link



  好像cover得很全面 還有這篇其實廢話很多 第一和最後一段要多看中間可以不用多管

  P1. there are two major standpoints on the issue of expansion of banks during 1830. one is raised by the Decomcrat head, Andrew Jackson that he considers the expansion of banks is undesirable (有題!) because it could cause the rich ones get richer and lead to a monopoly economic states. the other one is raised by the whig league, jackson&aposs opposing party, they also opposed the expansion of banks, but its point of view is that the expansion of banks should be limited because many banks could be established by businesses that actually have insufficient funds.

  P2 however, neighther of their statement completes the complete pictures. a case study was completed in providence, rhode island. it is proved that the cause of something (both AJ and Whig have mentioned, sorry 真的忘了) is actually due to the new immigrants to the region.

  1. The standpoint of Whig League to economy and society? A. the economy and society should be maintained. B. the economy society can be exacerbated if bank expand. 我選A

  2. the organization of the passage? I chose "identify an issues that two of the PoVs are evaluated, then the PoVs are later called into questions by newly provided evidence"

  3. what would be both agreed by both AJ and Whig? economy and society expansion is undesirable

  大家关于美国历史中bank system的繁荣。

  在美国金融发展的历史中,没有什么比bank system的繁荣这个论题更具有讨论性了。在当时,J给出了他自己的担忧—这种system只能造福minority。W给出和J相反的担忧……

  历史学家对这个issue也进行了很多研究。从历史的进程看,both J&W are right。但是他们都忽略了xxx,后面就是具体介绍xxx



  1.bank expanding is an controversial issue (similar to the issue writing), prisedent W said it will benit the small people ,but fear its oppision __说什么现状会变。(有题,说WISH WHAT -取非,mantain sth ), 这一点连w的反对者也赞成,。。。。。

  2。recent study 认为他们都是部分正确1,w如何如何,2。反对者如何如何(有题,w和反对者都agree what ,选银行扩张is all undesirable).

  BUt,研究认为bank expanding 有小果——改变原来的elite structure,出现新的力量(atrength)(有题,问研究认为-选出现新的力量)

  主题题-选讨论历史现象的两种方法,并指出他们的shortcoming "




  Q1: Jackson 同学and Whip 同学在哪些方面对银行扩张的看法是一致的?

  Q2: 发生在P地的银行扩展的总体评价?"


  5.有关银行的Johnson理论和Whig理论.John派认为expand bank会损坏大多数人的利益,Whig派认为可以level income.。后来的结果发现他们都不全面,enterprise通过建立银行,一些elite脱颖而出。

  6."jackoson总统对18世纪30年代的银行扩张很不爽,认为新开的银行只服务少数有钱人。Jackson总统的这番胡言乱语影响很大。但有另外一些人 w尽管对银行扩张也不爽,但其不爽的原因却是因为银行扩张使得一些流氓无产者可以随便得到资金资助(真一无聊)。后来有些人认为jackson总统的观点是源自于其平均主义的思想,而另一些人则认为其主张主要是政治需要。



  1.第一段说总统J觉得应该要开放让所有的人都有权力参加银行存款和投资 不可以只局限在部分的有钱有权力的elite

  Whig 就反对说这样会打乱旧有的社会秩序会影响国家的财政 然后说了一些他的看法理由

  后面说有两派学者 有人支持J有人支持Whig个有一些理由

  第二段说现在的学者分析说其实两个人说的都各有道理 但是他们都miss掉了一些points譬如说......(忘了拍谢)


  1. 细节题:Whing最会同意的观点是? 2. J and Whing观点哪里不一样?"

  American bank system的背景资料 看着那篇JJ,特别晕,尤其是J和W这两个人的观点,因此去查了些资料,和大家分享一下。




  The Second Bank of the United States was authorized for a twenty year period during James Madison&aposs tenure in 1816. As President, Jackson worked to rescind the bank&aposs federal charter. In Jackson&aposs veto message (written by George Bancroft), the bank needed to be abolished because:

  It concentrated the nation&aposs financial strength in a single institution.

  It exposed the government to control by foreign interests.

  It served mainly to make the rich richer.

  It exercised too much control over members of Congress.

  It favored northeastern states over southern and western states.

  Banks are controlled by a few select families.

  Banks have a long history of instigating wars between nations, forcing them to borrow funding to pay for them.

  然后由于J总统的这个观点,引起了bank war.

  The Bank War is the name given to the controversy over the Second Bank of the United States and the attempts to destroy it by then-president Andrew Jackson. At that time, it was the only nationwide bank and, along with its president Nicholas Biddle, exerted tremendous influence over the nation&aposs financial system. Jackson viewed the Second Bank of the United States as a monopoly since it was a private institution managed by a board of directors, and in 1832 he vetoed the renewal of its charter.


  Established in 1834, the Whig Party was a reaction to the authoritarian policies of Andrew Jackson. “King Andrew,” as his critics labeled him, had enraged his political opponents by his actions regarding the Bank of the United States, Native Americans, the Supreme Court and his use of presidential war powers. The term Whig was taken from English politics, the name of a faction that opposed royal tyranny.

  Opponents who gravitated to the Whig Party included Jackson critics, states’ rights advocates, and supporters of the American System. In some respects the Whigs were the descendants of the old Federalist Party, supporting theHamiltonian prerence for strong federal action in dealing with national problems.

  Other components of the emerging coalition that became the Whig Party was the Anti-Masonic Party, the stated purpose of which was to combat the purported threat of Masonic power over political and judicial institutions. William H. Seward and Thurlow Weed of New York and Thaddeus Stevens of Pennsylvania were among the Anti-Masons who migrated to the Whig Party. Another group was the Democratic Conservatives, who opposed their party&aposs financial policies after 1836.

  Henry Clay and Daniel Webster were the unquestioned luminaries of the Whig Party. Neither was able to overcome sectional jealousies and gain the coveted presidency.



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