2017-08-10 295阅读
V1 by juyifan
题目有问主旨 ,还问了文章中两个人的关系相似于选项中哪种关系(文章中两个人,一个人是文章的主人公,另外一个人是“浪漫主义”作家)
V2 by qizhizhang
V3 by 巨文聪
有一道阅读是什么objectivism 的poet 大概是讲从前有一个人r什么吗的,他写了一种诗是跟court法庭上的那种似的,不像从前的那种浪漫主义的诗。然后一堆人支持这种流派。一堆人名,有问题,问这个是人和一个叫shellyde 的人的关系类比。第二段是讲这个人写这个诗集写了一辈子,开始出版了两本,之后出版了两本,死后又出版了两本,第三段忘了。
※往届考古 待确认
V1:by wulala1990
第一段是说,这个诗集是由Objective Press出版的,这个人支持objectism还是objectism支持他。与objectism持不同意见的是romantic学派。区别在于O认为详细的描述是好的,R认为transcend emotions by symbols是好的
第三段说他的观点对law,法庭上的辩护,public speech都有很大影响。
primary purpose
V2: by cynthia628 Q51,V33
考古:by XYXB
The first installment of Testimony was published in 1934 by the Objectivist Press, which had been started several years earlier to promote the views of poets including William Carlos Williams, Louis Zuk of sky, George Oppen, and Reznikoff himself .They were believers in Objectivism, a short-lived but still influential offshoot of poetic Modernism, the early 20th-century assault by T. S. Eliot,Ezra Pound, and others on the Enlightenment-influenced poetics of their predecessors. For the Objectivists, the poem was an object, not a report by the poet of what he or she thought or felt. They rejected the emphasis by19th-century Romantic poets like Wordsworth and Shelley on the poet&aposs subjective experience of transcendent meaning as depicted through metaphor and symbol. (The title and opening line of Wordsworth&aposs well-known poem about daffodils, "I wandered lonely as a cloud," is a good example of the tendencies that the Objectivists judged artificial and misleading.) The Objectivists believed that feeling and emotion should come through the choice of details and the sound and appearance of words on the page.
Reznikoff continued to work on Testimony throughout his life. In the 1960s, he published two new volumes (the first drawn from judicial opinions of 1885-1890, thesecond from opinions of 1891-1900); two additional volumes (1901-1910 and1911-1915) were published after his death. In each of the later volumes ,Reznikoff revised his art, reshaping the documentary material into syncopated lines of poetry.
The Negro was dead/when the doctors examined him," a characteristic poem begins: They found upon his belly bruises: he died, the doctors said, of peritonitis.
While the shift in form draws even more attention to the language (as in the isolation of "bruises" in the lines just quoted), the later editions employ thes ame third-person perspective, looking to the objective language of a judicial opinion, the words as words, rather than subjective experience or metaphor, for the emotional intensity of the poem. With its use of judicial opinions as the raw material of poetry, Testimony radically undercuts the traditional assumption that the poet works in a private sphere that is somehow separate from the pressures and pulls of the public domain. Not only is the poem an object, but it is an object taken from the workaday world that poets traditionally have viewed as unsuitable for poetry. Testimony never lets us forget that it is judicial opinions the poet is expounding.
Reznikoff&aposs most important innovation and chi legacy to subsequent poets was this use of social speech, the public language of lawyers, to further the Modernist project of drawing attention to the linguistic qualities of a poem. By juxtaposing the descriptions of fact—the underlying story—of one case after another, he created an emotionally powerful collage from the apparently impersonal language of judicial opinions, a collage that chronicles America&aposs struggle with slavery and its emergence as a commercial and industrial power.
P1:说Charles Reznikoff这个人写了名叫作Testmony的诗歌作品,是他从当时的法庭案件中引用了很多到他的诗集中去,从而开创了一种诗歌形式叫"objectivism"。然后就出现了一大串的人名,他们是和Charles Reznikoff站在一边的,都是objectivists。之后对objectivists做了同位语解释,还说了是一种短暂但是influential的诗歌流派。然后就出现了强对比:说了与传统诗人的不同,objectivism形势和以前浪漫主义诗歌Romanisme不同的地方在于浪漫主义会用很多修辞和比喻来抒发感情,而这种"objectivism"的诗歌推崇诗本身是object。传统诗人又举了好像是两个人名(Wordsworth and Shelley)。这一段不要被这些人名吓到,只要记住他们是两拨对立的人就可以了。
P2:说Charles Reznikoff这个人把他的一生都献给了这部Testmony。1930年发表了前两卷;xxx年发表了后两卷,这里有一个小细节说,他在后两卷里面revised his art。
P3:又绕回去说Charles Reznikoff一派和传统诗歌的不同。就是传统诗歌比较注重express emotions and personalexperience.而Charles Reznikoff认为应该客观地反映世界。
P4:(作者态度段)说了Charles Reznikoff的testmony对于后来者的贡献在于他首次采用了judicial speech作为了诗歌的resources。又说,CharlesReznikoff用impersonal languages也表达出了powerfulemotions.
1 关于testmony,作者的agree?
2 关于testimony的论述,infer下面哪个是正确的?选它是一个long-term project. 760 /发现testimony第一卷出版与1930年代,最后2卷在他死后才出版,long term project。790
3 类比题。说Charles Reznikoff和Shelley的关系和以下的那两人的关系最像?
只要紧紧抓住Charles Reznikoff和Shelley是持有对立观点的就行了。
我的选项中带有Taylor这个人名,说他的观点是另一个人所反对的。 760
4 说Charles Reznikoff的testmony创新之处在什么地方?
选:采用了新的一种形式的诗歌来源和描述了新的事物。(大概是这个意思,定位在最后一段作者对于Testmony的评价) 760
5 主旨 选项有:通过写testimony来分析个什么问题;还有说是写testimony的重要性的。
V3:by 羡清 Q50+V34=700 (8.24 14:00)
第三篇是JJ25流派诗人那个,LZ基本能保证那五道题全对。题目如下:1 关于testmony,作者的agree? 选客观的语言也可以在某种程度上表达出情感。2 关于testimony的论述,infer下面哪个是正确的?选它是一个long-term project. 3 类比题。说Charles Reznikoff和Shelley的关系和以下的那两人的关系最像?选选项中带有Taylor这个人名的那个。5 主旨。选什么忘了~还有一道忘了
V4:by 脸圆怎么了 (8.24 23:00)
流派诗人那个,“Charles Reznikoff这个人写了名叫作Testmony的诗歌作品”机经上很全。
1 关于testimony的论述,infer下面哪个是正确的?选它是一个long-term project.
2 类比题。说Charles Reznikoff和Shelley的关系和以下的那两人的关系最像?关于这个答案寂静上说了记住俩人是相反意见就行,但是答案上AC貌似都是相反意见。楼主选了C,寂静上也说A是干扰选项。
5 主旨选项有:通过写testimony来分析个什么问题;还有说是写testimony的重要性的。貌似是B
V5:by sirenfish (8.25 23:30)
第三篇是Testimony,回来看了下JJ总结,文章居然是一模一样( ⊙o⊙ )
以下关系最analogous to the relationship between R和Shelley的是
都是marketing theorists
A、某某advocated一个outmoded theory by xx,which most critized by某某
B、某某弄了一theory,which is rejected by某某。
V6:by cassieyu83 710 V38 (8.26 22:00)
讲用court case 做诗歌“testimony”的意义,objectivenist 把诗歌当成一个object, 用法律的语言等等
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