
2017-08-10 作者: 178阅读



  说一个机构调查social competent, product professional还有一个XX对销售员业绩的影响。调查发现两者都高的人,业绩的最好的。但是,前者低的人,product knowledge少的人还比高的人的业绩要好。好像怎么解释这个现象:explain。

  我选了social competence低下的销售员,过于专业的product knowledge反而会引起顾客的反感。




  Researchers conducted a study of salespeople, measuring both social competence (their ability to understand and influence social situations), and product knowledge. They then noted the performance of these salespeople in terms of the value of goods sold by them. The top performers scored high on both the product knowledge and social competence scales. Surprisingly, however, they found that among those who scored low on the social competence scale, those who scored relatively low on the product knowledge scale had higher sales than did those who scored relatively high on the product knowledge scale.

  Which of the following, if true, would most help explain the researchers’ surprising finding? A. A highly knowledgeable salesperson tends to make customers uncomfortable unless he or she also has good social skills.

  B. Customers tend to assume that a salesperson with good social skills will also be very knowledgeable.

  C. Salespeople with relatively low levels of product knowledge tend to have relatively good social skills.

  D. Customers often think that salespeople with good social skills are likely to be dishonest.

  E. Customers make purchases based on the qualities of the goods and not on those of the salespeople.



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