2017年1月GMAT阅读机经:Deer mice.

2017-08-10 作者: 147阅读

  十二月的机经刚分享完,紧接着新年的GMAT机经就整理出来了,为大家分享关于African AmericanDeer mice是否能在森林大火后的环境中得利的机经,希望大家能感受到这股暖意,并把它化为能量,在GMAT考试的道路上勇往直前。

  一、 主旨:

  Deer mice是否能在森林大火后的环境中得利

  二、 段落大意

  有些人說火災後的森林環境對 Deer mice 很有利,因為大火把土表燒光了所以牠們可以吃到深埋在地底下的種子,還說牠們會繁衍的更多更好。

  有提到 Deer mice 的競爭者,但是作者是反對前面這些說法的,因為研究上的數據顯示,火災後的森林環境對於 Deer mice 的生存並沒有明顯的正面影響,Deer mice 的族群大小其實在普通的環境中與在火災後的森林裡並沒有甚麼太大的差別

  題 1:有問到 Deer mice 的 predator 可能會如何如何反應

  題 2:有問到那些埋土裡的種子對 Deer mice 可能有的好處



  通过carbon date研究确定新西兰人的出现-〉新研究(新实验)否定出现时间->环境破坏为气候所致而非人类所导致

  通过用carbon date技术的研究来确定新西兰人类出现的时间,以来确定环境的破坏时否为人类导致





  历史上有人认为人们到达新西兰不是特别早,然后最近人们通过carbon date老鼠的骨头发现其实公元2000年前人就来了。说到CD的不好的地方,需要的样本大,而且不够precise。

  争论纽西兰什么时候开始有人居住。一开始有科学家从老鼠的骨骼化验中(用carbon dating技术 追溯到那么久)推出在公元前2000年就有人把老鼠带到了纽西兰。但是由于后一种说法一直没有一个确切的考古发现(errors added in the lab),所以受到反对者的批判。然后说因为没有任何其他证据可以表明XX人arrive so early, 所以这个数据的得出一定是实验中出了问题。

  第二段: 新研究表明人类没有那么早出现(新carbon dating技术)

  Recently, 某team科学家O用更好的carbon dating技术去研究the rat bone found in the same site of 1996 (同一地点,但不是同一个sample,此处有选项),但结果发现是从12世纪末才有人到纽西兰,所以说明了之前那个实验的确有问题。In addition, 他们还发现了the oldest site有一些种子是4000年前的,但是那些有一些有老鼠咬痕的咬痕都是1280年的。然后接下来又说因为证据表明XX人没那么早出现,所以他们引起的什么森林退化啊物种灭绝啊也没那么早开始。


  最后一段说气候和生态变化的罪魁祸首要重新判定。反驳之前有人说人类在AD300去了之后导致了鸟和frog的灭绝。实验很重要,确定了关于人类和老鼠的出现所造成的破坏(破坏森林,而且老鼠还导致了几种鸟类的灭亡)的时间应该是十三世纪之后 / 这个结果devastate在新西兰人类对环境的影响,doresting…并没有那么早开始…Dorestation 不是在2000年前开始的,而是在600年前才开始的。




  ※ 题目:


  V1 我选的是证明说人类最早出现在BC200的那个(from考古)

  V2说明了一个研究,并且用这个研究去反对前面研究的结果 (from考古)

  V3 provide evidence that....



  3) 有一题目是说最后一段(第三段)的作用





  A 某team research 很surprise地发现是1280年的(错,因为和之前research 相符)

  B 某team 的sample和96年的是一致的

  C 96年的research 没看到4000年的种子作为证据…(有可能是另外题里的…)





  7)从老鼠咬痕证明新西兰人是AD1200年以后出现的,而不是BC200.考题。/文章最后一段是说,人类最早出现在AD1200-1300的证据说明dorest一系列生态现象的发生不是2000年前,而是600年前,这句话有考题 /第二段说谁在哪儿发现了rat的骨头还是化石好像,总之最后说那个地方有人类有生物被污染是近600年的事(这是到考题)



  9) 疑似Q5的选项之一:

  某team用更好carbon dating的技术去研究the rat bone found in the same site of 1996 (同一地点,但不是同一个sample,此处有选项)

  10) 还有道是根据文章 可以推断以下那项是对的

  就是根据文章细节 具体选项我忘了,但是有什么 humans beings 2000 years ago

  11). 问第四段作用


  12). 通过最后一段可以对于于新西兰ecology的infer哪个是对的。

  新西兰的环境问题是受人类和其他因素共同影响导致的。(本月720 V36狗主)

  13). 我有考到问第一段的作用,看来这篇文章每一段起神马作用都本月考过一遍了啊…


  Q1. 主旨题

  V1 我选的是证明说人类最早出现在BC200的那个(from考古)

  V2说明了一个研究,并且用这个研究去反对前面研究的结果 (from考古)

  V3 provide evidence that....


  Q2. 有一题考的是第三段中的research说明一下哪个是对的

  Q3. 有一题目是说最后一段(第三段)的作用


  Q4. 还有题说怎样能使某team的说法不成立


  Q5. 还有题问哪个是正确的

  A 某team research 很surprise地发现是1280年的(错,因为和之前research 相符)

  B 某team 的sample和96年的是一致的

  C 96年的research 没看到4000年的种子作为证据…(有可能是另外题里的…)

  Q6. 有道推断题




  Q7. 从老鼠咬痕证明新西兰人是AD1200年以后出现的,而不是BC200.考题。/文章最后一段是说,人类最早出现在AD1200-1300的证据说明dorest一系列生态现象的发生不是2000年前,而是600年前,这句话有考题 /第二段说谁在哪儿发现了rat的骨头还是化石好像,总之最后说那个地方有人类有生物被污染是近600年的事(这是到考题)

  Q8. 好像是说第一段里面说这个实验有问题的人持什么观点。


  Q9. 疑似Q5的选项之一: 某team用更好carbon dating的技术去研究the rat bone found in the same site of 1996 (同一地点,但不是同一个sample,此处有选项)

  Q10. 还有一到是根据文章 可以推断以下那项是对的

  就是根据文章细节 具体选项我忘了,但是有什么 humans beings 2000 years ago




  An international team of researchers, led by Dr Janet Wilmshurst from Landcare Research, spent 4 years on the project which shows conclusively that the earliest evidence for human colonisation is about 1280-1300 AD, and no earlier. They based their results on new radiocarbon dating of Pacific rat bones and rat-gnawed seeds. Their results do not support previous radiocarbon dating of Pacific rat bones which implied a much earlier human contact about 200 BC.

  The original old rat bones dates have been hotly debated ever since they were published in Nature in 1996. The ages are controversial because there is no supporting ecological or archaeological evidence for the presence of kiore or humans until 1280-1300 AD and the reliability of the bone dating has been questioned. This is the first time that the actual sites involved in the original study have been re-excavated and analyzed.

  DrWilmshurst and her team researchers re-excavated and re-dated bones from nearly all of the previously investigated sites. All of their new radiocarbon dates on kiore bones are no older than 1280 AD. This is consistent with other evidence from the oldest dated archaeological sites, Maori whakapapa, widespread forestclearance by fire and a decline in the population of marine and land-based fauna. “As the Pacific rat or kiore cannot swim very far, it can only have arrived in New Zealand with people on board their canoes, either as cargo or stowaways. Therore, the earliest evidence of the Pacific rat in New Zealand must indicate the arrival of people” DrWilmshurst said.

  The dating of the rat bones was also supported by the dating of over a hundred woody seeds, many of which had distinctive tell-tale rat bite marks, preserved in peat and swamp sites from the North and South Islands. “These rat-gnawed seeds provide strong additional evidence for the arrival of rats, and therore humans, and are an indirect way of testing the veracity of the dates we have done on rat bones,” said Dr Tom Higham, Deputy Director of the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit at Oxford University.

  Rats leave rows of narrow grooves or bite marks on woody seed cases when they gnaw open the seed, and these distinctive teeth marks can be seen with the naked eye. “The width of the teeth marks lt on the woody seeds exactly match those of a rat&aposs two front teeth, and cannot be mistaken for any other seed predator. We have dated over 100 individual seeds, some rat-gnawed, others intact or bird-cracked, which show that rat gnawed seeds only occur in both the North and South Islands of New Zealand after about 1280 AD”, DrWilmshurst said.

  With over 165 dates on seeds and bones from a large number of sites, the overwhelming evidence suggests that rats and their human carriers did not reach New Zealand until about 1280 AD.




  Rodent Bones of Contention

  Rats caught a free ride to New Zealand when they hopped aboardthe boats of early Polynesian explorers. Now, their ancient bonesmay help pinpoint when humans first set foot on the island.Carbon-dating of bones from the rodents indicates that peoplereached New Zealand around 1280 or later, rejecting previousresearch that suggested humans may have landed there more than 1400years earlier.

  Although most anthropologists think that humans first arrivedinNewZealand around 1250 to 1300, a minority holds that people mighthave set foot on the island as early as 200 B.C.E. That conclusionis based on 1996 research that carbon-dated bones of rats, whichare thought to have been brought to New Zealand by humans either asstowaways or for food. But this study has been controversialbecause there&aposs no evidence of human settlements at that time. Somecritics have suggested that the carbon dates were due to a laberror in preparing the bones.

  To help clear up the confusion, a team led by Janet Wilmshurst,apaleoecologist at environmental research organization LandcareResearch in Lincoln, New Zealand, used a different preparationtechnique that is thought to be more accurate. The researchersobtained 17 bones from the two excavation sites where the oldestrat remains had been found. Carbon-dating with the improved methodindicated that the new bones were from 1280 or later. When theresearchers tried the new technique on some of the bones from theprevious study, all of them dated to later than 1280, indicatingthat the earlier research was flawed. The researchersnextcarbon-dated ancient seeds that the rats had gnawed and that camrom one of the excavation sites. The results gave a date of 1290or later, confirming that humans did not arrive until 1280 at theearliest, the researchers report in the 3 June issue of theProceedings of the NationalAcademy of Sciences.

  Ian Smith, an anthropologist at the University of Otago in NewZealand, says the finding "provides convincing evidence against theassertion that either rats or people reached New Zealand prior tothe 13th century A.D." He adds that the later arrival indicatesthat humans&apos devastating impact on New Zealand, which has includeddorestation and the extinction of birds and marine mammals,happened in only 600 years, versus more than 2000 years if theinitial bone dating had been confirmed.

  David Lowe, a soil scientist at the University of WaikatoinHamilton, New Zealand, says the findings also indicate that "thedestruction caused by the rats in New Zealand has been pronouncedand very fast indeed." The rats wiped out several species,including some birds and frogs. Wilmshurst adds that the speed ofdestruction "makes the risk to currently declining populationsofrat-sensitive species more pressing as they could be diminishingfaster than previously assumed."



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