
2017-08-10 作者: 453阅读


  今天刚考完 159+169 rp 不错qvqvq

  加拿大ottawa 考得


  verbal 考倒了那个peregrination 的那个 11 月基金里面有 选 peregrination 不会有错

  one question: even the governemnt is not ___ about the positive review about the charter, they nevertheless decide to veto the laws. Sth like that 答案是 unsympathetic

  还有一个是 : the master of deception requires to fill someone&aposs need and desire, Sth sth.....even if it has to face its own ___ sth sth. 答案里面有 我选了 unplausible 和unlikely 里面还有什么 grandiose vain 什么的 不太靠铺 我市不太确定 这个题 不过其他的都不是同意词。获得更多gre考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:

  阅读考了otter kelp 和sea cow 那个基金里面的 题 非常straightfoward. otter 少了 urchin 多了 kelp 少了 seacow 吃kelp 结果应为 没kelp 了 就饿死了 问了中间有一句话说 seacow has waytoo many in numbers 的作用是什么 答案就是disprove a previously mentioned statement. 应为前面说过 应为数量太多 捕杀seacow 不是导致seacow 灭绝的原因.

  考了一个honey bee 的一个fungee 病毒的 honeybee 的larvae 容易的 这个fungee 而且还是small coloney 的会的 but it requires to lower the temperature of larvae to 30 degree for fungee infection (whereas the temperature of the hive is 33-35) 这个句子问到过 结果scientist discovered that worker bees purposully keep the temperature of hive high bore the manifestation of the fungee infection so this must be a PREVENTATIVE mechanism developed from the honeybees to protect larvae from infection. in addition the temperature of the hive will be lowered after the infection so the 33-35 is not OPTIMAL for the hive.

  之后有个选项问 如果 temperature is not lowed after the infection what conclusion can u draw from the passage. 答案是 33-35 degree is an ideal temperature for the hive.

  对了 基金里面有个 manifest 和obvious 的那道题 也出现了 选这两个没错 倒是有个presented 选项 作混淆 不要轻易上当

  长阅读考了一个autobiography writing from 1700 british women. 他们之所以能写auto 是应为 4个原因 they are more likely to look into themselves and do not have public life (之后有个题问道这点 whats the difference between women and previous men autobiography writer 是因为他们更 选secular) their autobiography is not likely to be published so they are free from judging by society (也有一体问道这点了 选 这句话的 paraphrase) 还有一个问 which of the following is more likely to appear on women&aposs autobiography 答案选 (the one they talk about their own feeling blah blah 是E的选项 具体记不得了)

  长阅读的 最后一段 不用读 根本 没有问题问相关的 讲的是 这个autobiography movement contrary to the idea of actual freeing women.

  有一个逻辑题 是说 city pollution is not from gasoline excretion from the car but from the gasoline excretion from the citizen daily use to cook their meal. so it is unlikely the pollution is gonna go down in the future

  what is the assumption this is based on 答案是 it is based on the chemical component of the gasoline is not gonna change in the future.

  我能记得 就这么多了 大家加油



新gre数学重要考点:Multiple Times





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