
2017-08-10 作者: 206阅读


  1. Superficial differences between the special problems and techniques of the physical sciences and those of the biological sciences are sometimes cited as evidence for the __ of biology and for the claim that the methods of physics are therore not adequate to biological inquiry.

  (A) autonomy

  (B) vitalism

  (C) purposiveness

  (D) obsolescence

  (E) irrelevance

2. According to the newspaper critic, the performances at the talent contest last night _____ from acceptable to excellent.

  (A) varied

  (B) receded

  (C) swept

  (D) averaged

  (E) declined

  3. In some cultures the essence of magic is its traditional integrity; it can be ficient only if it has been _____ without loss from primeval times to the present practitioner.

  (A) conventionalized

  (B) realized

  (C) transmitted

  (D) manipulated

  (E) aggrandized

  4. Dramatic literature often _____ the history of a culture in that it takes as its subject matter the important events that have shaped and guided the culture.

  (A) confounds

  (B) repudiates

  (C) recapitulates

  (D) anticipates

  (E) polarizes

  5. Many more eighteenth-century novels were written by women than by men, but this dominance has, until very recently, been regarded merely as _____ fact, a bit of arcane knowledge noted only by bibliographers.

  (A) a controversial

  (B) a statistical

  (C) an analytical

  (D) an explicit

  (E) an unimpeachable

  6. Despite a string of dismal earnings reports, the two-year-old strategy to return the company to profitability is beginning to _____.

  (A) falter

  (B) disappoint

  (C) compete

  (D) work

  (E) circulate

  7. Species with relatively _____ metabolic rates, including hibernator, generally live longer than those whose metabolic rates are more rapid.

  (A) prolific

  (B) sedentary

  (C) sluggish

  (D) measured

  (E) restive

  8. Some biologists argue that each specifically human trait must have arisen gradually and erratically, and that it is therore difficult to isolate dinite _____ in the evolution of species.

  (A) fluctuations

  (B) generations

  (C) predispositions

  (D) milestones

  (E) manifestations

  9. An analysis of the ideas in the novel compels an analysis of the form of the work, particularly when form and content are as _____ as they are in The House of the Seven Gables.

  (A) symptomatic

  (B) delineated

  (C) integrated

  (D) conspicuous

  (E) distinctive

  10. In an age without radio or recordings, an age______ by print, fiction gained its greatest ascendancy.

  (A) decimated

  (B) denigrated

  (C) dominated

  (D) emphasized

  (E) resurrected



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