
2017-08-09 作者: 273阅读


  1. William James lacked the usual______death; writing to his dying father, he spoke without______about the old man’s impending death.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A longing for D inhibition

  B awe of E rancor

  C anticipation of. F eloquence

  2. Although the discovery of antibiotics led to great advances in clinical practice, it did not represent a _____ bacterial illness, for there are some bacteria that cannot be _____ treated with antibiotics.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A breakthrough in D consistently

  B panacea for E fectively

  C resurgence of F ficiently

  3. During the widespread fuel shortage, the price of gasoline was so _____ that suppliers were generally thought to be _____ the consumer.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A stable D cheating

  B depressedE placating

  C excessive F gouging

  4. Recent research indicates that a system of particles which has apparently decayed to randomness from _____ state can be returned to that state; thus the system exhibits a kind of memory of its _____ condition.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A an equilibrium D lesser

  B an ordered E earlier

  C a chaotic F present

  5. Despite an agreement between labor and management to keep the print and electronic media _____ development, the details of the negotiations were _____ all but a few journalists from the major metropolitan newspapers.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A inhibits D lessened

  B rlects E measured

  C enhances F increased



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