2017-08-09 52阅读
前段时间为gre考生汇总了gre issue写作提纲思路和分析,希望对考生在攻破gre issue写作上有所帮助。接下来的几天我们将为gre考生整理gre argument部分的提纲内容。希望通过我们的整理和汇总,让gre考生真正能掌握gre写作的精髓。
gre argument 61题目:
The following appeared in a report by the School District of Eyleria.
"Nationally, the average ratio of computers to students in kindergarten through grade 12 (K-12) is 1:5. Educators indicate that this is very good ratio. This means that across the country, all students have access to and can use computers daily in their classrooms(1). In Eyleria&aposs K-12 schools, the ratio of computers to students is 1:7. This number is sufficient to ensure that all of Eyleria&aposs students, by the time they graduate from high school, will be fully proficient in the use of computer technology(2). Thus, there is no reason to spend any of the schools&apos budget on computers or other technology (4) in the next few years (3)."
(1)The assumption that every student in every school across the country has access to computers is not guaranteed.
(2)No evidence could illustrate that the 1:7 ratio at Eyleria schools could sufficiently ensure computer proficiency of all Elyeria’s students.
(3)The author fails to consider many factors that would increase the demand for computers in the future.
(4)The author hastily assumes that education on other technology is also not necessary in our education program.
无论是gre issue还是gre argument,考生都应该养成写提纲的习惯。这种提纲式的gre写作练习可以帮助考生锻炼写作的逻辑性,而gre写作高分最重要的得分依据就是作文的逻辑性要强。
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